Dickinsonian, April 29, 1949

President Edel to tour Israel with American Christian Palestine Committee delegation. Dr. Elmer Charles Herber's paper on pregnancy tests conducted on frogs to be published by Pennsylvania Academy of Science. International Relations Club delegates attend largest Model UN conference at University of Rutgers. Twenty-five delegates will attend the Intercollegiate Conference on Government in Harrisburg, where the Dickinson delegation is expected to dominate. International Relations Club to host open picnic at Pine Grove. Lincoln University President Dr.

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Dickinsonian, March 11, 1949

President Edel addresses Chapel on the positives and negatives of democracy, concluding the good outweighs the bad. Sophomores plan events for the remained of the year, including a basketball game against the Freshmen in retaliation for their defeat in the tug-of-war match. Dean Horlacher announced at Faculty Attendance Committee that the student body as a whole missed 5.3% of its classes. Basketball team to play in Middle Atlantic States tournament; team defeats Bucknell in final game of season.

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