Dickinsonian, October 3, 1906

Various works, including Life of Bishop Hurst, are added to the library's collection.  A college-wide holiday is granted for the dedication of the state capitol in Harrisburg.  Walter Damrosch to lead the new York Symphony Orchestra in a concert in the Carlisle Opera House.  The procedures of the Intercollegiate Debating League of Pennsylvania are set forth.  The annual reception for the Freshmen is held, with the usual accompanying antics of the Sophomores.  The YMCA handbooks are distributed in chapel.  The Freshman caps (black with green buttons) ar


Dickinsonian, December 8, 1938

Professor Wellman J. Warner addresses the Upsilon Circle of the Omicron Delta Kappa on the subject of "Leadership in a Free Society."  Belles Lettres and the French Club have Christmas parties.  The Dickinson Women's Choral Club and Allison Memorial Choir present "The Messiah" jointly at Allison Memorial Church.  Tau Delta Pi gives one-act play before Dramatic Club.  Miriam Saint Warner sings at chapel services.
