Dickinsonian, December 8, 1938

Professor Wellman J. Warner addresses the Upsilon Circle of the Omicron Delta Kappa on the subject of "Leadership in a Free Society."  Belles Lettres and the French Club have Christmas parties.  The Dickinson Women's Choral Club and Allison Memorial Choir present "The Messiah" jointly at Allison Memorial Church.  Tau Delta Pi gives one-act play before Dramatic Club.  Miriam Saint Warner sings at chapel services.


Dickinsonian, November 17, 1938

Dickinson College Religious Association decides to embrace Protestantism, Catholicism, and Judaism as the tree faiths represented on campus, and to restrict membership to only those who demonstrate interest in religion and sign up on the membership roll.  The French Club plans to show the French film "Mayerling."  Tau Kapp Alpha fraternity sponsors an interfraternity debate tournament.  Two men join Lambda Sigma Pi, the scientific fraternity.  Dean Hoffman, editor-in-chief of the Harrisburg Patriot and Evening News  and a graduate and trustee of Di


Dickinsonian, November 3, 1938

Charles W. Boote, city judge of Yonkers, New York, plans to speak at Dad's Day program.  Union Philosophical Society elects twenty-four new members.  The Halloween Barn Dance succeeds socially and financially.  The Greek Club is set to re-enact an ancient Greek wedding.  Prof. Mulford Stough becomes a member of the Council of the Pennsylvania Historical Association.  Microcosm wins First-class honor rating and an All-American award by the National Scholastic Press Association.  Freshman football set to meet Blue Ridge Junior College.  Harold E.


Dickinsonian, June 4, 1949

Young People's Fellowship accepted to the Student Christian Association of the Middle Atlantics Region. Hester Cunningham '29 featured in art exhibition over Commencement Weekend. Faculty approve changes to Social Rules for women, extending curfews and extended permissions. John Shumaker to head All-College Social Committee. Year's social events highlighted. International Relations Club helps organize Pennsylvania Association of International Relations Clubs. Secretary of the Treasury John Wesley Snyder to receive honorary doctorate, deliver commencement speech to largest class yet.


Dickinsonian, April 8, 1949

The Dickinson Follies draws crowd of 1,000 to first variety show. Nine members of the Little Theater tapped for Tau Delta Pi dramatic honor society. Clayton Braun featured in solo art exhibition organized by Professor Flower. Social Rules changes announced; women's curfew extended to one a.m. for dances, while permissions are extended for Friday and Saturday night dances. Pianist Ozan Marsh to present concert. R. Sturges Ingersoll to discuss modern art.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, February 18, 1949

Middle States Association to evaluate the college in March. Reverend Bert Helm spoke at Young People's Fellowship prior to his keynote address as part of Religion-in-Life Week. Professor Flower announces Annual Student Art Exhibit; calls for works. Social Rules to come under scrutiny of new faculty committee. Call for updating the lighting system in Denny and Old West on the basis that current lights cause students to fall asleep in lecture.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, January 14, 1949

Select students part of a three-college delegation that toured the municipal government of York, giving positive feedback about the way the city is governed. Professor Wanner speaks to Young People's Fellowship about sexuality and morals.Dean Horlacher addresses concerns over the job placement scheme, acknowledging expansion is necessary.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, December 17, 1948

Young People's Fellowship ended year by caroling and visiting shut-ins in the Carlisle area. Doll Show to feature faculty skit and "surprise" faculty member as Santa, as well as annual dance; dolls collected to go to prisoners' daughters in New York and to children at the Shiremanstown Methodist Home for Children. Editorial urges better sportsmanship at athletic events.


Dickinsonian, October 1, 1948

Little Three Intramural Sports Program temporarily dropped due to scheduling conflicts. John F. Bacon '38 named director of Ten Year Development Plan, designed to enhance campus through building projects. The Ever-Ready Chorus of Carlisle performance for Young People's Fellowship attended by 150 students. Hervey Allen to visit Carlisle during Pennsylvania Week, celebrating Pennsylvania's heritage. Charles Crawford '48 receives Volker Foundation Scholarship from Wayne University in recognition for outstanding leadership, beating out applicants from across the country.


Dickinsonian, October 17, 1947

Fraternities pledge 125 new members among the men's fraternities and 60 among the women's for a total of 185 in their most active rushing season since before World War II. George W. Rickey presents a lecture on art and a demonstration of portrait painting. A guest editorial by Senator Harry Bird appears on taxation and government spending, as well as a rebuttal by the Dickinsonian staff. Five part-time instructors are added to the English, German, mathematics, and Romance languages departments.
