Dickinsonian, April 8, 1949

The Dickinson Follies draws crowd of 1,000 to first variety show. Nine members of the Little Theater tapped for Tau Delta Pi dramatic honor society. Clayton Braun featured in solo art exhibition organized by Professor Flower. Social Rules changes announced; women's curfew extended to one a.m. for dances, while permissions are extended for Friday and Saturday night dances. Pianist Ozan Marsh to present concert. R. Sturges Ingersoll to discuss modern art.

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Dickinsonian, March 18, 1949

The Campus Chest Drive to raise money for various international charity organizations to begin in April; representatives to undergo training to promote more successful fundraising. Faculty aid in library is again highlighted, as well as new book acquisitions. Professor Flower announced newest art exhibition which will feature top American artists seen in a recent exhibition in Harrisburg. Phi Kappa Sigma wins Interfraternity Stunt Cup at Interfraternity Council Weekend for the second year in a row. Dr.

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