Dickinsonian, October 7, 1914
Occupations and residences of the class of 1914 are listed. Samuel Higgenbottom, a Presbyterian missionary in India, will speak in chapel.
Occupations and residences of the class of 1914 are listed. Samuel Higgenbottom, a Presbyterian missionary in India, will speak in chapel.
Description of YMCA Presidents' Conference held at Dickinson. Seniors Carrie Woodward and John A. F. Hall receive teaching positions.
Program for YMCA Presidents' Convention to be held at Dickinson. Swarthmore and Dickinson participate in sixth annual oratorical meet. Russel Hertzler, '12, receives position in Carlisle Grammar School.
Majority of senior class plans to become teachers. Instructor Albert H. Gerberich to receive philosophy doctorate from Johns Hopkins. Senior Picnic is held. Men's Senate elections.
"D" Banquet held; new rules of football league are presented. Men's Senate resolves to increase freshman rules. Annual prayer week begins. President Karl T. Waugh creates teacher placement bureau to assist Dickinson alumni and undergraduates in finding teaching positions.
Select students part of a three-college delegation that toured the municipal government of York, giving positive feedback about the way the city is governed. Professor Wanner speaks to Young People's Fellowship about sexuality and morals.Dean Horlacher addresses concerns over the job placement scheme, acknowledging expansion is necessary.