Dickinsonian, May 30, 1942

Junior class, Class of 1943, elects president. Student Senate decides that Rushing will not occur during the summer session. the 169th Commencement. Approximately 120 students are enrolled for the summer session. the 1942 Microcosm comes out on time. Six high school seniors are awarded Trustee scholarships. Article describing the events and guests of Commencement. Twenty intercollegiate athletes will graduate this commencement from Dickinson. Article about four years of college by a Senior female student. Article on history of Carlisle and war.


Dickinsonian, May 2, 1942

Over 200 guests and perspective students visited on Guest Day. Fraternities register for sugar rationing and individual registration will begin soon. Article on the history of Metzger Hall. Many Dickinson athletes enlist in the Marine Corps.

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Dickinsonian, April 25, 1942

A new defense course will be taught at Dickinson. Article on the history of the library. Article about students that left to help with forest fires, but they never found the fires. Article on a historian's opinion on American and war throughout history. Students involved with the Dickinson chapter of the American Red Cross knit afghans and mufflers for soldiers. Article about the movies on Saturday afternoons.

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