The Board of Trustees increases tuition by 8% for a total of $11,040 for tuition, room, and board. National public relations firm Hill & Knowlton has been hired by President Banks to help position the college as a more prestigious and top liberal arts college. Presidents of the college's ten fraternities, members of the Interfraternity Council, and members of Dickinson's administration met for an all-day retreat on January 23rd to help improve relations between fraternities and administration. Physics professor Priscilla Laws, in collaboration with Atari, has developed the Atarilab Starter Set. It involves temperature module software designed to help students preform temperature experiments via an Atari computer and it is the first product of Dickinson based company Aardvark Enterprises. Originally intended as an alternative to fraternities, Adams Basement is out of control and a new social space for students is being explored. The Outing Club goes Spelunking. The Trout Gallery opens an exhibit entitled Etruscan Pottery: The Meeting of Greece and Etruria. Hillel undergoes an change of image under Prof. Henry Green launching the "Jewish Film Festival," a series dealing with the problems of modern Israel, and releasing a calendar of events aimed at Jews and non-Jews alike. The Mens Basketball team looses to Muhlenberg College. Over Christmas Break, the Woman's Basketball team traveled Europe (West Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Luxembourg) to compete against European teams under the International Sports Exchange.