Dickinsonian, May 26, 1909

Large intetcollegiate track meet held at Harrisburg. Dickinson loses to the Carlisle Indians in baseball. Sophomore oratorical contest. Department of Oratory oratorical contest. Update on 1910 Microcosm. Violin recital given in Bosler Hall by Mr. Charles Kunen.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, December 2, 1908

Freshmen win the annual Freshmen-Sophomore football game. Update on the 1910 Microcosm. Frank Mt. Pleasant, formerly of the Carlisle Indian School, is elected as captain. Large fight between Sophomores and Freshmen. Philadelphia Club election results.


Dickinsonian, November 11, 1908

Finals for the inter-collegiate debate team held in Denny Hall. Comus Club Dance. Leap year dance. West Virginia Club elections. Special Y. M. C. A. meeting. Update on the 1910 Microcosm. Second Civic Club Entertainment Course.


Dickinsonian, October 14, 1908

Notes on the progress of the Student Assembly. A class letter from the class of '98. Comus Club election results. Civic Club announces its entertainment course. Republican Club meeting. Update on the 1910 Microcosm.
