Dickinsonian, July 1891

Account of commencement. Junior Oratorical Contest is followed by a Junior Promenade. Board of Trustees meets, decides to purchase the athletic field, and authorizes the construction of a new building for offices, recitation rooms, and literary society halls as soon as funding is secured. UPS and Belles Lettres hold annual general meetings. Frank Moore wins and George Edward Mills receives second place in Senior Oratorical Contest for Walkley prize. President Reed holds a reception for the senior class in his mansion. Phi Kappa Psi holds its annual symposium.


Dickinsonian, June 1891

Program for commencement week. YMCA elects officers. Cole and Walkley prizes for declamation are awarded. UPS holds elections; H. M. Stephens is president. Belles Lettres holds elections; Chester N. Ames is president. Montgomery P. Sellers wins Belles Lettres Sophomore Oratorical contest; Clarence Balentine wins UPS sophomore oratorical contest. Freshmen hold burlesque. Dickinson competes at the Inter-collegiate Athletic Association of Pennsylvania's annual field day.


Dickinsonian, July 1890

Incorporators of the Law School meet. Highlights of Commencement Week. Mr. Crowder wins Walkley Senior Oratorical Prize. Belles Lettres Society and UPS hold their annual general meetings. Account of Class Day. Mr. M. P. Sellers and Mr. C. A. Terhune win the freshman oratorical contest. Freshmen hold the annual burlesque. Professor Muchmore resigns as physical instructor; Professor Willard G. Lake replaces him. Beta Theta Pi celebrates its 20th anniversary. Chi Phi holds annual banquet. Phi Kappa Psi holds annual symposium. Sigma Chi holds annual banquet.


Dickinsonian, June 10, 1915

Class Day is held. Summary of Commencement Week. Trustees elect James Henry Morgan president of Dickinson College. List of members of graduating class. Nora M. Mohler receives Cannon Prize for sophomore mathematics. Elma May Houseman receives Chi Omega Prize for sophomore economics. Raymond R. Brewer receives Clemens Prize for an essay on missionary work. Lawson S. Laverty receives Charles Mortimer Griffin Prize in English Bible. Union Philosophical Society wins Johnson Prize. Nora M. Mohler, Harold H. Bixler, and Elva R. Lippi receive McDaniel Prizes. Francis W.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, May 19, 1927

The Omicron Delta Kappa national honorary fraternity is officially installed at Dickinson College. Only three track men will go to the Middle Atlantic Championships at Schenectady on Saturday as a result of the Athletic Association's refusal to appropriate the funds necessary to take more. Details of the Founders Day event activities. Robert Knupp receives the Miller prize offered for first place in the Freshman oratorical contest, and Miss Marion Morf receives the Walkley Prize for second place.
