Dickinsonian, October 3, 1925

Despite cold weather, the Annual College Picnic is a great success. The Belles Lettres Society received a letter from well-known minister and author Henry Van Dyke. The Interfraternity Scholarship Cup is presented to Phi Kappa Sigma. A meeting of the Interfraternity Council rejects the proposed arrangements for first year / fraternity interactions. A more moderate proposal calls for a series of gatherings in the college gymnasium where freshman will be the guests of fraternities. A novice tennis tournament is held to discover talent for next season's team.


Dickinsonian, March 21, 1902

Summary of the mid-winter sports. Glee and Mandolin clubs' concert. Banquet for the Dickinson Alumni Association in Philadelphia. Karmarian Club holds a phantom party. Play on the Reformation held in the Carlisle Opera House. Phi Delta Theta banquet. Y. M. C. A. meeting. Belles Lettres Literary Society election results.


Dickinsonian, January 12, 1933

A. J. "Dad" Elliot, a Christian leader, challenges students to engage more in Christian practices. Many freshmen, the registrar reveals, are related to former Dickinsonians. The annual Doll Show was held Dec. 16, 1932 and resulted in $40.00 being donated to the Shiremanstown Home along with dolls and other gifts. German club showing a "talkie" in the annual German picture showing. Students ratify the new Athletic Association constitution. Prof. Albert H Gerberich investigates the genealogy of film actress Lillian Gish. Dramatic Club to perform "Haunted House" Thursday, Jan. 19th.


Dickinsonian, May 14, 1936

The rising junior class holds elections for the upcoming year, already beginning to discuss such events as the 1937 Junior Prom. Wheel and Chain, the women's honorary senior fraternity, selects its new members. Belles Lettres Literary Society plans its sesqui-centennial celebration. Charles R. Gay, president of the New York Stock Exchange, is announced as commencement speaker. Five members of the Debate Squad are inducted into Tau Kappa Alpha, an honorary forensic fraternity. 


Dickinsonian, November 22, 1928

The Men's Senate condemns the scheduling of ten games in the upcoming 1929 football season, claiming that games begin prematurely and that they are too condensed.  The Belles Lettres Society hosts an art contest for original pieces with a $10 prize.  Dr. George Kartzke, Minister of Education in Berlin, lectures on the intellectual freedom within the German education system and youth movements.  German World War I Naval Commander Count Felix von Luckner, nicknamed 'Sea Devil', to give lecture.


Dickinsonian, October 18, 1928

Dickinson College is to be represented in the American Association of University Women's Founders' Book.  The Union Philosophical Society and Belles Lettres Society continue their  "stunt" of selective rushing.  Professor Benjamin Wilbur Folsom takes charge of the Dickinson Debate Council.  Studies on student ill-adjustment to higher education are made by the Joint Committee of the Association of Pennsylvania Presidents, the Pennsylvania State Department of Public Instruction, and the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.  The student body enjoys thei

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Dickinsonian, September 27, 1928

The Dickinsonian begins its 56th year of publication, noting its roots as a literary magazine under the Belles Lettres and Union Philosophical Literary societies.  Mervin Grant Filler is elected 18th president of the college, filling the vacancy of the newly resigned Dr. James Henry Morgan, while Professor Montgomery Porter Sellers takes deanship.  William Trickett, who served as Dean of the Law School for 38 years, dies of influenza.  Metzger Hall is modernized, both inside and out.  The football team prepares to start their season with scrimmages on Biddle Field.

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Dickinsonian, October 1, 1936

The Belles Lettres Society arranges a program to celebrate the 150th anniversary of its founding. Several freshman are punished (in comical ways) for disobeying the Freshmen Rules. Medical care is now free to all male students on campus. Fraternities pledged seventy freshmen, and sororities pledge forty-one freshmen. The football team loses to Moravian.


Dickinsonian, April 25, 1942

A new defense course will be taught at Dickinson. Article on the history of the library. Article about students that left to help with forest fires, but they never found the fires. Article on a historian's opinion on American and war throughout history. Students involved with the Dickinson chapter of the American Red Cross knit afghans and mufflers for soldiers. Article about the movies on Saturday afternoons.

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