Dickinsonian, December 21, 1916
Special Christmas issue. Belles Lettres elects officers; Henry Rasmussen '17 is president. Doll Show is held at Metzger.
Special Christmas issue. Belles Lettres elects officers; Henry Rasmussen '17 is president. Doll Show is held at Metzger.
Maurice Palm '18 elected football captain. YWCA to hold annual doll show. Plans for an interfraternity basketball competition are begun. Union Philosophical Society and Belles Lettres Society hold first rounds of tryouts. Union Philosophical Society elects officers.
The 1913 Football team Banquet was attended by over two hundred men. The baseball schedule is released. The Belles Lettres Literary Society elects their fall officers. The Debating teams are chosen.
The football team has trouble finding new recruits. Literary societies, such as the Belles Lettres Society and the Union Philosophical Society have added new members and kept old ones. The Senate passes thirteen rules for the new freshmen.
The editors ask the student body to remember that the reputation of Dickinson is in their hands. Rev.
The second of the annual Sophomore oratorical contests is held in Bosler Hall under the auspices of the Belles Lettres Literary Society. The 115th annual commencement ceremonies are planned, to include a sermon by President George Edward Reed. The track and field dual meet between Dickinson and the Carlisle Indian School is cancelled due to petty disagreements in methods of arbitration.
A Sophomore oratorical contest is sponsored by the Belles Lettres Society. Students fill the Sentinel Opera House for a series of short plays by their fellow collegiates.
Five of Dickinson's trustees have died within the past twelve months, the most recent being Jacob Tome. James Russell Lowell is to be honored through a plan to construct Lowell Memorial Park. The eighth annual Inter-Society Debate between the Union Philosophical and Belles Lettres literary societies occurs. The Athletic Association defrays the expenses of the "base-ball" and track teams.
The 112th anniversary of the Belles Lettres Literary Society is celebrated in Bosler Hall. The average bodily measurements for the class of 1900 are released. Rev. Dr. Richard H. Gilbert gives a lecture on "The Origin of Man."
A report of the whereabouts and activities of the class of 1897 is published. Traditional "Fair Week" half-holday is canceled, and Friday after Thanksgiving is proposed as a substitute. After a year's break from the usual custom, the requirement of upper classmen to answer to church roll is revived, with disapproval from the editors. United States President William McKinley, Professor Cramer, and Dr. Stauffer are elected to honorary membership in the Belles Lettres Society. The editors call for improved exits from the athletic field.
Dr . Gooding hosts a talk on German Education and University Life. Belles Lettres celebrates its 119th anniversary. The Freshman Class receives their banquet. The debate between Belles Lettres and Union Philosophical Society is to take place.
Overview of senior class. Dickinson, Fraklin & Marshall, Penn State and Swarthmore draft a constitution for an Inter-Collegiate Debating League. Phi Kappa Psi moves house. The class of 1893 holds its tenth anniversary reunion. Statistics from baseball and track seasons. President Reed gives three rooms in Old West to the YMCA. Belles Lettres elects officers. Class of 1902 issues its first annual letter. Theta Lambda Phi to open new fraternity house at 150 W Louther.
William Jennings Bryan to give a lecture in Carlisle at the invitation of the YMCA. Dickinson Students' Banquet is planned. Baltimore Alumni Association holds annual reunion banquet. Belles Lettres Society celebrates its 117th anniversary with debates and music.
Trustee Daniel H. Hastings dies. Belles Lettres prepares to celebrate its 117th anniversary.
Summary of the football season. List of football team members with statistics. Athletic Fair held to benefit Athletic Association. Philadelphia alumni hold their annual meeting. Belles Lettres elects officers.
Football team refuses to play against Carlisle Indian School because the latter will not agree to shortened halves. Dr. Hutchins replaces Ralph Hutchinson in department of Physiology and Hygiene and Physical Culture. Office of The Dickinsonian moves from South College to the former Book Room of East College. J. A.
Syracuse and Dickinson debate; Dickinson is the winner. Comments about the Astronomy department's need for better equipment. Belles Lettres Literary Society elections.
The Belles Lettres Society adds books to its library and elects new officers. The editors look back on the first year of the weekly Dickinsonian. Dr. M. W. Prince gives a very well received lecture to a large crowd at the Opera House. The fraternity banquets to be held during Commencement are announced. The Dickinson Law Society elects new officers. New Phi Beta Kappa members are announced. The new society halls in Denny Hall have been furnished, and the programme for Denny Hall's dedication is announced.
A rather disappointing Belles Lettres Sophomore Oratorical contest is held. The Law School again performs its production of "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" in the Opera House, due to its popularity. The editors suggest that oratorical contests be moved to a different time of year, to allow for more participation. Dr. Beaver, State Secretary of the College Associations, speaks to the YMCA on life as a minister. General Horatio King, honorary alumnus, dies in Washington. Senior class rankings announced.
The college's annual field sports day is held, with track and field events. The Commencement program is being planned. The editors comment on the popularity of the literary societies's libraries and state the importance of capable and enthusiastic librarians. A list of the periodicals in the library is given for reference.
The Microcosm is soon to be released and should be a good one. The play "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" is performed to raise money for the Law School. The Belles Lettres and Union Philosophical Literary Societies hold oratorical contests. The Seniors take their class trip to Doubling Gap. The Freshmen compete in the annual Freshman oratorical contest for the Cole and Walkley prizes. The Junior class will give its Cremation Play, a revival of a tradition not performed since 1893.
The annual debate between the Belles Lettres and Union Philosophical Literary Societies takes place in Bosler Hall. Dr. Super gives a lecture on German author Heinrich Heine on the role of the roles of the senate. Transcripts of the rebuttals are included.
George Washington's birthday is celebrated with the assistance of the Harman Literary Society. The Belles Lettres Literary Society celebrates its 111th anniversary. Plans are made for reform of the Dickinsonian.
The YMCA raises money for missionaries. The results of the Athletic Association's annual officer election are announced. Students are strongly encouraged to buy tickets for future Star Course events. The Belles Lettres Literary Society elects officers for the year. Students skate on the frozen creek. The completion of Denny Hall is authorized by the board of trustees. Dr. Prince is elected to the chair of History and Political Science. A ladies literary society, the Harman Literary Society, is organized, and officers elected.
The Dickinson Relay team takes second at the Middle Atlantic Class B College Championship. Nominations are made for Student Senate. Sophomores win the annual tug-of-war, pulling the freshman into LeTort Spring. A celebration of Founder's Day and May Day is planed for May 13th. The festivities will close with a contest between Belles Lettres and the Union Philosophical Society consisting of an original oration, a debate, an impromptu, and a humorous selection. Plans for freshman entertainment in the fall are accepted by the Interfraternity Council. Offices are announced for the Y.W.C.A.