Dickinsonian, December 16, 1908

Dickinson loses to Franklin and Marshall in debate. Dickinson College Alumni Association of New York dinner. Freshmen win against the Juniors in inter-class basketball. The Seniors tie with Sophomores in inter-class basketball. Belles Lettres Society election results. Dramatic Club election results. Theta Lambda Phi banquet. Athletic Association election results.


Dickinsonian, October 7, 1903

Dickinson considers making knowledge of the Bible a requirement for admission and number of Dickinson graduates pursuing missionary work is higher than ever before. A college fair will be hosted by the Athletic Association and the Law Department will open at 4 pm. Steelton beats Dickinson 6-0.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, June 5, 1903

Overview of senior class.  Dickinson, Fraklin & Marshall, Penn State and Swarthmore draft a constitution for an Inter-Collegiate Debating League.  Phi Kappa Psi moves house.  The class of 1893 holds its tenth anniversary reunion.  Statistics from baseball and track seasons.  President Reed gives three rooms in Old West to the YMCA.  Belles Lettres elects officers.  Class of 1902 issues its first annual letter.  Theta Lambda Phi to open new fraternity house at 150 W Louther.
