Dickinsonian, November 13, 1897

The International YMCA's Week of Prayer is planned for next week and attendance is encouraged.  The senior class lacks adequate astronomy equipment.  The editors join in the debate over opening the literary portions of the literary societies' meetings to the public.  Dr. Reed's illness continues.  The winners of the entrance prizes are announced.  The Friday following Thanksgiving Day is granted as a holiday.  The Great Dane newly purchased as school mascot arrives on campus.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, May 8, 1897

The Microcosm is soon to be released and should be a good one.  The play "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" is performed to raise money for the Law School.  The Belles Lettres and Union Philosophical Literary Societies hold oratorical contests.  The Seniors take their class trip to Doubling Gap.  The Freshmen compete in the annual Freshman oratorical contest for the Cole and Walkley prizes.  The Junior class will give its Cremation Play, a revival of a tradition not performed since 1893.


Dickinsonian, January 19, 1924

A listing of cash prizes and medals available for excellence in scholarship appears with descriptions of the specific requirements for each. The final members of the debate team are selected. State Supreme Court Chief Justice Robert Von Moschzisker will give a lecture on the "World Court." Belles Lettres literary society holds two separate meetings in the span of four minutes. Dickinson bird lovers erect three feeding stations for native birds around campus. Guest speaker Dr. F. Watson stresses the importance of critical thinking during his address to chapel.
