Dickinsonian, March 30, 1896

Central Pennsylvanian Conference in Williamsport. Philadelphia Conference is held. Professor Charles F. Himes, the head of the Physics department, resigns. Professor Himes lecture on electricity. Beta Theta Pi reunion in Philadelphia. Phi Delta Theta ride to Mt. Holly. Phi Kappa Psi banquet.

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Dickinsonian, July 1888

A harmonious and progressive year ends for the college with the 105th Commencement Ceremony.  The Junior Class Oratorical Contest is held.  Theta Nu Epsilon, Phi Kappa Psi, and Chi Phi hold their annual banquets.  Dr. Himes photographs students in the gymnasium.  The classes of 1890 and 1891 play baseball, with the freshmen winning the day 28 to 18.  The freshmen lose a baseball game to the preparatory students, 21 to 11.  Dickinson’s baseball team also wins against teams from Carlisle, Harrisburg, and Pennsylvania College.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, October 1885

The junior class decides to publish a Microcosm, the first in many years to do so.  The Jacob Tome Scientific Building is opened.  The college is taking athletics more seriously, and the number of enrolled students increases.  With the opening of the Scientific Building, Professor Himes takes up specialty in Physics instruction and Professor Lindsay in Laboratory and Chemistry instruction.  The Trustees decide that students can enter the societies without pause once they enter the college.  The Seniors defeat the Juniors in baseball on October 3 with a scor


Dickinsonian, June 1878

The Belles Lettres Society holds their 8th Annual Sophomore contest.  Professor Himes holds a lecture on the telephone, at which he receives music from the Philadelphia orchestra via wire.  The Union Philosophical Society also holds their Annual Sophomore contest.  The Seniors hold their annual shooting contest.  The Seniors hold a joyous party celebrating the coming of final exams.


Dickinsonian, May 1878

The 95th Annual Commencement is held.  The classes of 1858, 1868, 1872, and 1875 hold reunions.  Professor Himes is called to assist in the investigation of a possible case of arsenic poisoning near Newville, P.A.  Croquet becomes popular on campus.  Members of the Sigma Chi Fraternity visit the Gettysburg College chapter a visit, much to their delight.


Dickinsonian, November 1893

The process of competing for membership on The Dickinsonian board is explained, and the types of submissions wanted are described.  Training in oratory is lauded.   Participation in YMCA is encouraged.  The editors respond to the Lutheran Church's condemnation of college's "senseless infatuation for so brutal a species of sport," football.  Phi Kappa Psi takes their annual fraternity ride to Mount Holly Springs and Boiling Springs.  Sigma Alpha Epsilon visit the Gettysburg battlefield.  Deans and officers of the classes are selected.  Dr.


Dickinsonian, November 3, 1874

Professor C. F. Himes of the Natural Sciences Department is elected as a member of the American Philosophical Society for the Promotion of Useful Knowledge. A legal suit between Professors Trickett and Fisher regarding the rightful occupancy as Chairperson of Modern Languages is settled by Judge Junkin. The Sigma Chi Fraternity holds their 13th biennial convention.


Dickinsonian, May 18, 1904

The Interscholastic Track and Field Sports Meet is held at Dickinson. The schedule for the 121st Annual Commencement is announced. The four founding members of Phi Kappa Sigma are honored on the 50th anniversary of the fraternity's founding at Dickinson. Plans for an ice cream social on the lawn of the Ladies' Hall are finalized. 
