Dickinsonian, October 1885

The junior class decides to publish a Microcosm, the first in many years to do so.  The Jacob Tome Scientific Building is opened.  The college is taking athletics more seriously, and the number of enrolled students increases.  With the opening of the Scientific Building, Professor Himes takes up specialty in Physics instruction and Professor Lindsay in Laboratory and Chemistry instruction.  The Trustees decide that students can enter the societies without pause once they enter the college.  The Seniors defeat the Juniors in baseball on October 3 with a scor


Dickinsonian, July 1885

Commencement and Junior Oratorical Contest speeches are summarized and published.  The 102nd annual Commencement is held, as well as the Junior contest and alumni reunions for classes and for the societies.  Professor Little leaves Dickinson despite a petition by the students that the Trustees should make every possible effort to retain him.  The Sigma Chi Fraternity is re-established.  Praise is given to Miss Bender for receiving the Greek Award, a signal of the falsehood of the theory of the inferiority of women.


Dickinsonian, June 1885

Complaints are aired about the random nature of the oratorical awards given by the Literary societies.  The Sophomores beat the Freshmen in baseball 53 to 4.  The Belles Lettres Society holds its annual Sophomore Contest, as does the Union Philosophical Society.  Baseball games are rained out.


Dickinsonian, May 1885

A committee of Union Philosophical Society and Belles Lettres Society members is formed to revise the "Joint Rules" for using the libraries.  The Dickinsonian defends its existence in the wake of complaints from students.  Seniors begin competitions for the Scientific Society prize.  Baseball games abound between picked teams, Carlisle teams, and class teams. 

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, February 1885

The bowling alleys are the most popular part of the new gymnasium.  Interest forms over the Inter-Collegiate Mock Trial, and in preparation the Belles Lettres and Union Philosophical Societies decide not to hold anniversaries.  The sophomores hold a class supper. 
