Dickinsonian, October 1885

The junior class decides to publish a Microcosm, the first in many years to do so.  The Jacob Tome Scientific Building is opened.  The college is taking athletics more seriously, and the number of enrolled students increases.  With the opening of the Scientific Building, Professor Himes takes up specialty in Physics instruction and Professor Lindsay in Laboratory and Chemistry instruction.  The Trustees decide that students can enter the societies without pause once they enter the college.  The Seniors defeat the Juniors in baseball on October 3 with a scor


Dickinsonian, November 1884

Neither the Scientific Building nor the new gymnasium are yet ready to use, much to the dismay of the students.  The college orchestra is reorganized.  The Sophomores beat the Freshmen in baseball 19 to 7 and then refuse to play against the Preparatory students.  A combined football team of sophomores and freshman beat a senior-preparatory team 9 to 8.  The college baseball team loses to Mechanicsburg 23 to 9, but then wins in a rematch.  A history of the fraternities at Dickinson is given. 

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Dickinsonian, October 29, 1898

The football team wins 23-0 against Wyoming Seminary. In the first game of this year’s series of inter-class football games, the sophomore class wins against the freshmen. Students argue law students are disconnected from campus life. Miss Jesse A. Ackerman, a great Women's Christian Temperance Union (W.C.T.U) worker, addressed the college in a speech about womanhood and the role of women in the abolition of liquor.

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