Dickinsonian, October 1885

The junior class decides to publish a Microcosm, the first in many years to do so.  The Jacob Tome Scientific Building is opened.  The college is taking athletics more seriously, and the number of enrolled students increases.  With the opening of the Scientific Building, Professor Himes takes up specialty in Physics instruction and Professor Lindsay in Laboratory and Chemistry instruction.  The Trustees decide that students can enter the societies without pause once they enter the college.  The Seniors defeat the Juniors in baseball on October 3 with a scor


Dickinsonian, September 4, 1980

Dickinson College is the recipient of the $250,000 grant from The Kresge Foundation. New security system added to Boyd Lee Spahr Library to prevent theft of books. Dickinsonian is awarded All-American status by the National Scholastic Press Association and the Associated College Press. Orientation activities take place. Convocation held for the first time in newly constructed Kline Center. Sally Porter hired as Dickinson's first female campus police officer. Sellers House converted into residence building. 379 W. Louther St. and 152 S. Pitt St. are purchased by the College for housing.


Dickinsonian, November 3, 1994

The Multicultural Fair Week is in its fourth year and continues to bring awareness to the Dickinson community. The Spahr Library has plans for new additions to be built to create more space for the ever increasing volumes of books. The Library also looks to improve the Inter-Library Loan system and create a computerized circulation system. Lewis Czedrick was crowned Mr. Dickinson in the third annual Mr. Dickinson pageant held by Delta Nu. The Ice Hockey team is undefeated thus far in the season.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, September 19, 1975

Library considers altering its honor system after thousands of dollars have been estimated in stolen books. Homer Holland's death does not change drinking ban in HUB. The "future of computing is up in the air" at College, as its IBM 1130 and Interdata 7/32 prove to be financially unwieldy. Eric Sloane's art collection I Remember America is to open in HUB as part of Pres. Sam Banks' inauguration ceremony. Featured is a "Food Service Task Force Position Paper."


Dickinsonian, March 13, 1975

Newly elected Student Senate Officers officially take their posts. At the third All-College planning seminar, increased financial aid and funding for new athletic facilities are stated as top priorities. The Academic Program Committee will decide if they will present their revised Nisbet Scholars Program plans to the faculty for final approval. The Library institutes fines for lost and overdue books.


Dickinsonian, March 8, 1968

Faculty adopt an anti-drug policy and revise the calendar to make a five day week. Faculty members were accused by students and library staff of abusing library lending policies. The Pan Hellenic Council will sponsor Skits and a "Fabulous Fifties" formal. Dr. Marshall Nirenberg is set to receive the Priestley Award on March 14th. A survey was conducted to gauge student opinion on marijuana and other drugs, which showed opposition to anti-marijuana laws.
