Faculty adopt an anti-drug policy and revise the calendar to make a five day week. Faculty members were accused by students and library staff of abusing library lending policies. The Pan Hellenic Council will sponsor Skits and a "Fabulous Fifties" formal. Dr. Marshall Nirenberg is set to receive the Priestley Award on March 14th. A survey was conducted to gauge student opinion on marijuana and other drugs, which showed opposition to anti-marijuana laws. A white building next to South College aroused suspicion in both the Carlisle and Dickinson communities due to its use as an office for the Federal Agency for International Development, as accusations of sinister use by agencies such as the CIA were made. The basketball team's disappointing season is reviewed. Wrestling wins, while swimming takes the MAC title. Vincent Schafmeister recalls a successful 1947 basketball season as a member of the Dickinson basketball team, including a narrow two point loss to Ivy League champions Columbia University. IM Bowling is under way.
