Dickinsonian, November 19, 1931

Tribunal punishes freshmen for breaking freshman rules. Helmuth Joel (German exchange student) describes the plight of the working class in Germany. Arthur J. Hepburn, '96, is appointed to attend Geneva Conference. Students plan to participate in YMCA's Peace Conference at Bucknell University. YMCA and YWCA hold fireside meeting to discuss the Negro racial question. Professor Lewis Guy Rohrbaugh is elected to Pi Gamma Mu. Description of museum in Tome Scientific Building.


Dickinsonian, October 22, 1931

Students parade in midnight march after football victory over Penn State; police resort to tear gas. Annual college picnic is held. German club plans activities, including hike modeled after German youth movement. Tribunal convicts two freshmen of breaking freshman rules, gives punishments. Carnegie Corporation endows Bosler library.


Dickinsonian, October 1, 1931

Senior Isabel Super dies of complications following appendicitis operation. Professional acts and favors to freshman are eliminated from rushing program. Microcosm awards contracts. Gerald Barnes becomes associate professor of sociology. Janet Sinclair becomes assistant librarian. List of freshman class members is notable for number of female students (permitted to make up 25% rather than 20% of class). Radio station adds voice transmission system and reaches Russia and England. Schedule for sorority rushing. YMCA and YWCA plan religious events. Garbage Scrap tradition (hazing) is ceased.


Dickinsonian, June 6, 1953

Commencement Issue. Seven men to receive honorary degrees - Five of whom are Dickinsonians. Commencement brings to a close the first year of the Men's Glee Club. The Dickinson College Chapter of the American Association of University Professors celebrates its Fifth Anniversary. The Theta Chi fraternity returns the Dickinson Mermaid. New rules regarding Freshman hazing are announced. Article reflecting on the first year of the Dickinson ROTC Program. New Rushing regulations announced. Review of Dickinson athletic teams.


Dickinsonian, November 1, 1952

Dean Dr. William Tyler returns to campus after conducting classes elsewhere worldwide. Professor Whitfield Bell, Jr., presented a paper on Early America in Williamsburg, Virginia. The Cultural Affairs Committee announces the arrangement of three musical events to take place in Bosler Hall in the future. The Little Theater production fo "Beggar on Horeback" will be the first arena type play at Dickinson. The Department of Political Science announces sponsored trip for mid-November to the new United Nations Headquarters on the East River.


Dickinsonian, October 6, 1938

The All-College Social Body plans a series of events for the coming year, including a Dad's Day, a barn dance, and an open house.  President Corson announces the new  heads of ten committees.  Judge Karl Richards is selected as speaker for the annual Homecoming chapel service.  Dale O. Hartzell writes a short piece detailing Revolutionary leader Jams Wilson's interaction with Carlisle int eh mid to late 18th Century.  The Dickinson college Religious Association holds a meeting in Memorial Hall of Old West, featuring Howard A.


Dickinsonian, November 2, 1951

Wine Hats extend period in which they act to enforce freshmen rules. Student Senate requests meeting with President Edel and Board of Trustees concerning Homecoming. Herbert Wing receives Robert Coleman Chair of History. Freshman class officers are elected. Juniors win intramural girls hocky season.


Dickinsonian, April 30, 1948

Kappa Sigma hosts delegates from seven schools for the fraternity's Pennsylvania convention. The Little Theater's production of Macbeth opens to good reviews. The Intercollegiate Conference on Government hosts a mock presidential election. Phi Delta Theta takes fist place in the 175 anniversary float contest. SAE submits a plan to the Student Senate on the seating of Senate members and election of officers. An editorial on the state of freshman rules appears. Basketball player John Hopper receives two offers from professional teams in the Basketball Association of America.


Dickinsonian, October 7, 1961

Student-Faculty Judicial Council explained. Skull & Key agree to help enforce new rush rules. New Raven's Claw members announced. New Student Senate President John Dingee, Jr. addresses issues with senate that students have raised. First-year students are attacked by upperclassmen with eggs. Rush rules are tightened. Professor Donald W. Flaherty takes Foreign Student Advisor position.
