The Mermaid Players open "A Man for All Seasons", their first performance of the year. The Dave Brubeck Jazz Quartet is scheduled to play on Friday, Nov. 17, 1967 at the Carlisle Senior High School Gymnasium. David Hagan of the Dickinson College faculty will give a piano recital, Nov. 12 at 3 P.M. in the Holland Union Building. Dean Gillespie appoints Andrew Hecker to the position of Dean of Men, effective Nov. 13, 1967. Turtle Trot scheduled for 4:15 on Saturday in the Holland Union social hall. Article regarding Prof. Ken Laws involvement in researching local UFO activity continues from the previous week. The Senate Social Committee announces some reforms and explains its policies when bringing musical groups to campus. Rev. Kaylor announces changes in church services. Rev. Julius Scott scheduled to address chapel regarding Civil Rights. Students in the Bologna program find life quite different from Carlisle routine. History Prof. C. Flint Kellogg was chosen to sit on the Episcopal Colleges Association Board of Trustees. D-club circulates a statement during the homecoming football game regarding some professors' refusal to let athletes cut class to attend sporting events. Mermaid Players' "A Man for All Seasons" is reviewed. A two page photograph profile of life near the new library occurs on pp. 6-7. Campus Chest announces results from drive, with Pi Beta Phi in the lead. Willard Bloodgood fills comptroller position at college. Ed Schwartz of the national Student Association warns that police force against campus marches may be biggest crisis in higher education in the 20th Century. SAE and Phi Psi participate in service for Carlisle community. Freshman form independent social organization. Prof. Dorneman, German professor, joins the faculty and notes the vast differences between German and American education systems. Football and field hockey conclude seasons, while soccer vies for the MAC title. College raises tuition.
