Dickinsonian, September 30, 1966

Ford Foundation grants college $2 million, most of which will be used to renovate buildings. President Howard Rubendall opens academic year with speech urging students to "get involved" in world affairs. Professor M. Benton Naff unexpectedly resigns. Students bothered by "needlessly boring" registration procedures. Dr. Gabriel Vahanian to speak in "Death Of God" lecture series. Anonymous culprit returns Tom Schmitt's paintings. Construction to begin on two new dorms, library, and a face-lift of Biddle Field. Dana Biology Building opens.

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Dickinsonian, September 30, 1960

New method of orienting freshmen discussed. Profile of the Young Republican Club. Nineteen new faculty members welcomed to Dickinson. Library devises new system to prevent books from being stolen. Student who had studied at American University of Beirut comments on the political awareness of students abroad. Piece on the misery of freshmen. Washington Semester discussed by students. Professor Naff and two students are given a one-year research grant by the National Science Foundation. Dixieland Jazz and rock 'n roll to be featured on campus. Sixty-five students make the Dean's List.

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