Dickinsonian, September 24, 1949

College Enrollment hits a record high—over 1,000 students—and some students are boarded in Carlisle to compensate for lack of on-campus housing. Ten new faculty members are added to the payroll: Phoebe Follmer is appointed new Dean of Women; Charles Coleman Sellers is appointed Curator of Dickinsonia; Rear Admiral Roger Eastman Nelson assumes professorship in the Mathematics Department; Dorothy Custer Yates is appointed Assistant Catalogue Librarian; Mrs. LeRoy H. Hagerling and Lenore Richardson Wood are appointed House Directors for East College. Eric Jonathan Josephson, Paul A.

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Dickinsonian, May 10, 1963

The faculty decide to accept a revised attendance system. Dean Roger E. Nelson to resume teaching. ROTC awards cadets in Annual Awards Day Parade. NSA committee of the Student Senate awards 29 published faculty members with dinner. Alpha Psi Omega taps five new members. Stewart L. Udall, US Secretary of the Interior to speak at commencement. Recent survey suggests poor student-faculty relations. Donald Campbell named Danforth Seminary intern at Dickinson for 63-64 year. Dr. Mondlane speaks on African independence. Isley Brothers to open IFC Weekend.


Dickinsonian, June 3, 1961

Dean Nelson suspends Skull and Key. Chair of the political science department, Professor William Tayler, resigns. Rubendall to begin as President July 1. Class officers elected. President Malcolm to award five honorary degrees at commencement. Omicron Delta Kappa taps eleven. Helen Douglass Gallagher reelected to Board of Trustees. Two new professors announced. Dr. Milton Flower awarded grant from American Association of State and Local History for new book. 1961 Microcosm dedication to President Malcolm. Mike Hermann named athlete of the year.


Dickinsonian, February 10, 1961

In this issue of the Dickinsonian Alpha Psi Omega taps 6 seniors. Prof. Edward Rothstein receives his doctor's degree in sociology. Belles Lettres present "The Last Ten Days". Trustees approve loan for new student residences. Dean Roger E. Nelson rescinded the order prohibiting freshmen to pledge with an average below 1.5. Bosler art gallery exhibits works of Emlyn Edwards. Dr. Herbert Gezork to visit chapel. Luoeng Ly from Cambodia receives a diploma in a special ceremony. Rey de la Torro to perform at Cultural Affair. Mrs. Hesung Chun Koh returns to Dickinson.

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Dickinsonian, September 30, 1960

New method of orienting freshmen discussed. Profile of the Young Republican Club. Nineteen new faculty members welcomed to Dickinson. Library devises new system to prevent books from being stolen. Student who had studied at American University of Beirut comments on the political awareness of students abroad. Piece on the misery of freshmen. Washington Semester discussed by students. Professor Naff and two students are given a one-year research grant by the National Science Foundation. Dixieland Jazz and rock 'n roll to be featured on campus. Sixty-five students make the Dean's List.

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