Dickinsonian, April 29, 1966

A two weekend test period of the new expanded social rules is put agreed upon. A schedule of events for parent's weekend is given. David Bedick and Kenn Claus debate the "god is dead" belief. Dickinson's track and field team continue to go undefeated.


Dickinsonian, March 25, 1966

The Student Senate approves new Social Rules recommended by the Social and Academic Affairs Committee and will be put into action with Dean approval.The Student Violations Hearing Board meets and alters procedures. A student faculty group explores issues of campus life debating "what is right and wrong with Dickinson students." Transfer students increase due to dislike of the 5-5-4-4 system. The second half of the Andrews Report is presented exploring patterns in the student body.Progress and goals of the new Leadership Council are explained.


Dickinsonian, March 9, 1962

Faculty tells fraternities and sororities to end discrimination. Dr. Robert Burns Woodward to receive Priestley Award. Music and Fine Arts Majors added to curriculum. Al Miller elected Student Senate president. William Warfield to sing in Cultural Affairs Program. Part 4 of 4 in Prof. Frank Warlow's letter from abroad in France. Betsy Kraft and Eric Groves attend Conference on Disarmament and Arms Control. Communist Party lecturers offer to speak at college. Student Affairs Council propose resolution against cheating. Wrestling attend the Mid-Atlantic Conference Tournament.
