Dickinsonian, November 19, 2000

Students have mixed feelings about the new class registration system. Wildlife at the Reineman Wildlife Sanctuary and Field Laboratory is being harmed by an overpopulation of deer. Alcohol Awareness Week is this week. Ashley Myers and Allyson Ayers write an article about turnitin.com, the new online way that teachers can see if their students have plagiarized. The editors editorial questions the purpose of the various physical renovations happening to Dickinson's campus. Students are interviewed about their views on whether affirmative action could be used to bring men to campus.


Dickinsonian, February 13, 1976

Dr. George Shuman announces retirement from vice-president and Board of Trustees positions. A host program is initiated by the Auxiliary Enterprise Committee and Dana Scholars. The Task Force on Residential and Social Life holds first meeting. An overview of the Public Affairs Symposium "Human Destiny: Can It Be Controlled" is featured. Prof. Frederick Ferre calls attention to plagiarism in faculty meeting. Sunnyside Restaurant receives a favorable review.

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Dickinsonian, September 30, 1967

Four Dickinson representatives attended Danforth Foundation's Summer Workshop on Liberal Education and returned with suggestions for a new work-study program and curriculum changes. Contractor's miscalculations lead to delay in construction of Spahr Library's interior, delays bookwalk. ODK annual Leadership Conference planned for October 7 with theme of "Liberal Arts Education at Dickinson: Present Condition and Future Direction." A history of the partitioning of Palestine written by Jerry Weiner. New Peter, Paul, and Mary album reviewed. Chuch Strum previews the coming school year.

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Dickinsonian, February 3, 1967

Trustees delay proposed construction of two new dormitories. Vance Packard and Jules Feiffer to speak at Public Affairs Symposium. Dean of Women Barbara Wishmeyer announces resignation. Three students charged with plagiarism. Dean Samuel Magill, John Benson, Daniel Bechtel, and Frank Hartman plan to attend Danforth Liberal Arts Workshop. President Rubendall discusses the state of the college and issues therein. Wrestling team beats John Hopkins. Swimming team also defeats John Hopkins. Basketball team wins close game over Ursinus.

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