Dickinsonian, March 6, 1985

Student Senate election results announced, new officers interviewed. Student group heads to Washington to lobby senators for a U.S. Institute of Peace. Few minorities attend Dickinson, low level a crisis. Revival of Dean's List a possibility if student interest high, standards kept stringent. Prof. Richard A. Howland, Mathematics and Computer Science, dies suddenly of a heart attack. Black Arts Festival opens with "The Dream Tellers" performed by Harrisburg Area Community College students. Arts House to stage "Shadow Box." Women's rugby falls to Towson.


Dickinsonian, January 29, 1987

New computer and writing centers in the HUB basement have been built to provide additional places for students to work. The PEER (Program for Enrichment, Education and Recreation) Program has been going strong in the Carlisle area since 1968 and provides employment opportunities for students. The theater and dance department hosts ballroom dancing courses. Dickinson's Intramural Basketball has 13 teams, the largest ever, and should provide for a competitive season.

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