Dickinsonian, March 20, 1907

The Union Philosophical Society emerges victorious against the Belles Lettres Society in the Annual Inter-Society Debate.  The Combined Musical Clubs deliver an excellent program at Shippensburg, with Director John Craig King producing an exceptional Mandolin Club.  Phi Delta Theta celebrates a fraternal Alumni Day with a banquet.


Dickinsonian, February 27, 1907

The annual Mid-Winter Sports are set to be held.  Bosler Hall is filled with the music of the YMCA, Glee Club, Mandolin Clubs of the college and the Lyric Club of Carlisle.  Freshmen "attempt to imitate their elders in the vile habit of burning the weed" in the annual Freshmen smoker.  The Delta Chi fraternity holds a roller-skating party for St. Valentine's Day.

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Dickinsonian, February 20, 1907

Elocution instructor Lucretia McAnney recites a lecture on Shakespeare in Bosler Hall.  The college YMCA and Glee Club offer a concert.  Judge E.W. Biddle gives an instructive lecture on "Carlisle old and new."  The Pennsylvania Gamma Chapter of the Pi Beta Phi fraternity gives a Valentine's reception and dance in Assembly Hall.

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Dickinsonian, October 7, 1903

Dickinson considers making knowledge of the Bible a requirement for admission and number of Dickinson graduates pursuing missionary work is higher than ever before. A college fair will be hosted by the Athletic Association and the Law Department will open at 4 pm. Steelton beats Dickinson 6-0.

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Dickinsonian, April 15, 1899

The baseball team wins 8 to 6 against Albright, while the Dickinson Reserves loses to Mercersburg Academy. The Glee Club and Orchestra travels south to Coatesville to perform. The Phi Kappa Psi convention was attended by representatives from all the colleges in the area. Tomorrow the prominent blind musician Edward Baxter will perform in Bosler Hall.


Dickinsonian, January 21, 1899

Preparations for the upcoming athletic season are in full swing. The Dickinson Trustees met to discuss several issues of the college. The college Debate Team turns down the offer to debate with Gettysburg. The history of the college is recorded in the ledger of the first treasurer of the college, along with several other historic documents. Complaints about the management and organization of the college library. The college’s Glee Club and Orchestra are both reorganized and have begun to practice. Robert H. Richards is to address the college on the life of John Dickinson. Rev. William G.


Dickinsonian, October 4, 1905

The members of the Glee and Mandolin clubs are selected from a large group of interested and talented men.  The YMCA procures new hymn books.  The editors write on the worth of small colleges.  An inter-fraternity meeting is held.  The Freshmen are reminded to obey the rules, and the Sophomores to enforce them.  Students may have electric lights in their rooms, for an annual cost.


Dickinsonian, May 31, 1923

Order of events announced for the commencement season, program to open with All-College social. Men's and Women's Glee Clubs to perform the operetta "The Maid and the Middy'. "The Importance of Being Earnest" to be performed by Dramatic Club. Senior honors and Class Day exercises announced. Newly established Student Tribunal elects officers for coming year. College Band to present a series of concerts throughout commencement week. Track team sets new college record at Mid. Atlantic meet. Honor system suspended due to opposition.

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Dickinsonian, April 14, 1923

Combined Glee Clubs to present operetta. Seniors selected to participate in annual class day program. Baseball team wins opening game, loses second. Track team opens with meet against Johns Hopkins. Tennis team to open season with match at Lehigh. Basso Clarence Tittman to perform recital at chapel. Greek Club to present the "12 Labors of Heracles" at exhibition. Small fire discovered in basement of Kappa Sigma fraternity house.

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Dickinsonian, March 17, 1923

Spotlight on newly elected athletic director and head football coach B. Russell Murphy. Varsity basketball team has "most successful year in history of the College", with ten wins and four losses. Two new committees created to handle all-College issues. College institutes major and minor requirements for all graduating students. Combined glee clubs to present operetta, "The Girl and The Middy" during Commencement week.


Dickinsonian, June 1, 1901

Junior's have their cremation and banquet. Phi Kappa Psi has a card party. The Junior Oratorical Contest is held. The Glee, Mandolin and Guitar clubs give a commencement concert in Bosler Hall. Dickinson loses to the Carlisle Indians. The Dickinson College Preparatory School has its commencement in Bosler Hall.


Dickinsonian, January 25, 1901

Queen Victoria honors F. D. Gamewell of the American Methodist Mission. A day of prayer is announced for the colleges. Obituary for graduate John D. Bacon. Dickinson sends surveys to other colleges concering literary societies and publishes the results. Comments on the lack of presence the glee club and orchestra have on campus. 
