Dickinsonian, March 27, 1897

General John Eaton greets a full house for his talk on "Personal Memories of Lincoln and Grant" at the Carlisle Indian School Commencement ceremonies.  Furthermore, those in attendance listened to the translated words of chiefs Antonio Apache and Sassy Chief.  A lecture is given in Bosler Hall on missions in India and Ceylon (Sri Lanka) by Rev. Geo. W. Leitch.


Dickinsonian, March 13, 1897

The College Quartette returns from a trip through Central Pennsylvania.  The Carlisle Indian School holds commencement ceremonies despite a measle epidemic.  Former professor of mathematics and astronomy Dr. Fletcher Durell lectures on "the sun" for the benefit of the Athletic Association.


Dickinsonian, March 15, 1901

A second performance of Uncle Rube. Phi Kappa Psi theater party. The Carlisle Indian School has its commencement. The Mandolin and Guitar Club is formed. A meeting is held for the Intercollegiate Association in New York. Dinner party in West College. Announcement of the dismissal of Dr. Stanford from Leland Stanford University.


Dickinsonian, February 7, 1902

Dramatic Club's plays in the Carlisle Opera House. Beta Theta Pi sleighing party. Glee and Mandolin clubs' concert in Bosler Hall. International Students Convention in Toronto. Dr. Corey's lecture in Bosler Hall. Kappa Sigma fraternity established at Dickinson. Carlisle Indian School commencement.
