Dickinsonian, March 3, 1909

Article on Frank Mt. Pleasant, former member of the Carlisle Indian School. Update on the inter-society debate. Union Philosophical Society anniversary in Bosler Hall. National Convention of the Alpha Chi Rho. Ben Greet players will perform at the Carlisle Opera House. Summary of Mr. James N. Brown lecture. Members of the Oratorical Team chosen. Freshmen oration contest.


Dickinsonian, December 2, 1908

Freshmen win the annual Freshmen-Sophomore football game. Update on the 1910 Microcosm. Frank Mt. Pleasant, formerly of the Carlisle Indian School, is elected as captain. Large fight between Sophomores and Freshmen. Philadelphia Club election results.


Dickinsonian, September 30, 1908

School trip to Gettysburg. Student from the Carlisle Indian School, Frank Mt. Pleasant, transfers to Dickinson to play on the football team. Y. W. C. A. lemon reception in Lloyd Hall. Sophomore reception in the Assembly Hall. Formation of a Republican Club at Dickinson. Second section banquet. Pennsylvania Chautauqua held at Mt. Gretna. Beta Theta Pi informal dance. Sigma Alpha Epsilon dance at Mt. Holly.


Dickinsonian, December 11, 1930

Plans for the 1932 edition of the Mircocosm include a Scottish motif, professional artwork and a section about intramural sports. The German Scholarship fund collected under the guidance of the German Department will be even larger this year so that the recipient will be able to travel to Germany on it. A new electric scoreboard will be purchased for the gymnasium by the Athletic Association. The death of Frank Mt. Pleasant, as reported on in the previous issue of the Dickinsonian, turns out to be untrue as the subject was found in New York a couple of days ago. Mt.
