Dickinsonian, April 20, 1951

Omicron Delta Kappa gives their Activities Award to the Belles Lettres Society and the Dickinson Follies. The campus honorary groups, the Scull and Key and the Wheel and Chain, tap new members.A representative of Chesterfield offers cigarettes as a contest prize. Dr. Eric W. Barnes, head of the English Department, leads a discussion of Arthur Miller's play, "Death of a Salesman" at a Belles Lettres meeting. Profile on Dr. Arthur M. Prinz. The lacrosse team remains undefeated following their victory over Franklin & Marshall. The baseball team defeats Franklin & Marshall. Dr.


Dickinsonian, February 17, 1983

Ben Bova speaks at PAS, Dr. Louis Steven Goldman (Lehigh University) talks about impact of computers, Lady mud wrestlers in Harrisburg, Richard Moberg (Drexel University) speaks at PAS on the "Role of Computers in Medicine", Panel discussion of computers at Dickinson, Dr.
