Dickinsonian, February 22, 1996

Lani Guinier to give lecture through the Clarke Center. Details regarding the Latin American Symposium. Jim Hoefler, Professor of Political Science, announces his bid for a Pennsylvania State Senate seat. Debate over the use of the Depot on campus. Large centerfold on the details of the Public Affairs Symposium. Despite losing its last three games, the Women's Basketball team heads for play-offs. Three Dickinsonians are named to the All-Conference Team: Annie Guzek, Gretchen Muller, and Nate Brought.

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Dickinsonian, February 10, 1994

Enrollment for the 1994-1995 year is reduced so more funds can be put towards financial aid. Build-up continues for the upcoming PAS on media. A new climbing class proves very popular. In Honor of Black History Month, the Trout gallery opens an exhibit on African art entitled "African Objects of Prestige and Personal Adornment from the Permanent Collection." The Woman's Basketball team squeaks into the Centennial playoffs.
