Dickinsonian, October 18, 1968

College receives bequest of $750,000 from Hugh Woodward. Campus Affairs Committee clears newspaper of charges made by Student Senate-IFC liaison Mike Bloom and Senate President Tom Martin. Dr. James Robinson to deliver Faith and Society lecture. Student Senate passes resolution to restructure committees. Wayne Sunday analyzes positions of the three major presidential candidates - Hubert Humphrey, George Wallace, and Richard Nixon - on issue of law and order. Bob Kahn urges non-polarizing political engagement. Draft registration information discussed for student deferment purposes.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, October 9, 1968

Senior Wayne Sunday faces possible anti-draft charge in conjunction with his signing a pacifist group statement. SDS demonstrates at the opening of George Wallace's campaign headquarters in Carlisle. Political Science department airs negative views towards Wallace. Chaplain Paul Kaylor critiques student life. President Rubendall questions legality of Congressional resolution seeking to restrict student aid to law-breaking college demonstrators. Shoplifting problem in college store is discussed. Faculty to vote on adding International Studies major.


Dickinsonian, September 27, 1968

Student Senate to recommend major constitutional revision due to "inadequacies." Chapel Committee takes retreat to discuss the theme of "Despair." Students participate in Carlisle Racial Relations Workshop. Professor William Dornemann praises Workshop in Letter to the Editor. Pete Tamburro, Jr. sees Students for Democratic Society (SDS) as headed toward "death-wish." Wayne Sunday backs local SDS against charge of violence. IFC passes amended clause on fraternity discrimination. Young Democrats disagree with Coalition of Democratic and Independent Voters over supporting Hubert Humphrey.


Dickinsonian, August 23, 1968

Dean Merle Allshouse revealed that he believes Dickinson is far behind other schools in terms of using visual media, such as television, as a teaching aid. Pete Tamburro wrote a satirical peace that fabricated an interview he conducted with Stephen A. Douglass during his presidential campaign against Abraham Lincoln in 1860. Wayne Sunday wrote about his expectations for the true Democratic National Convention that he will be attending. The college and community participate in a drive to help feed hungry migrant workers on their way through the area.
