Dickinsonian, February 16, 1995

PAS examines the effectiveness of the UN. Bomb hoax cancels afternoon classes at Denny. Director of the HUB and Student Affairs Janet Cox leaves Dickinson after seven years for national position. The government threatens financial aid cuts. Wheel and Chain presents breast cancer exhibit. Club ASIA and the Asian House celebrate the Chinese New Year. New show, put together by students, opens at Weiss.

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Dickinsonian, April 21, 1983

Omicron Delta Kappa and Wheel and Chain presented their newest members on the steps of Old West before a large crowd on Wednesday evening. The Student Senate unanimously passed the 1983-84 Spring Activities Budget on Tuesday. Dickinson's first annual Siblings Weekend is slated to occur, starting on Friday, April 21st and going until Sunday, April 23rd. Senior raised $29,200 for the college during the 1983 Senior Gift Drive. Dickinson has initiated the "7000" plan, a student loan program for students in higher income brackets.


Dickinsonian, April 17, 1985

College leadership, honorary societies ODK and Wheel and Chain conduct yearly tapping ceremonies. Dispute over Toulouse Program casts shadow over graduation for some seniors. Efforts underway to make course credit exchange between University of Toulouse and Dickinson more fluid. Geology and Psychology departments to be relocated. Warning from Health Services that nearly six hundred students have questionable immunization status. Professors Nancy C. Mellerski and Sylvie G. Davidson receive tenure. Student talent show nights at Union Station prove successful.


Dickinsonian, November 7, 1984

Dickinson's nascent computer science program suffers from increased incidence of vandalism to computer terminals, thefts. Thousands of dollars of damage done with computer science staff working intently on repairs. Pass-Fail grades reviewed at national level; Dickinson policies on pass-fail investigated. College Democrats and Republicans debate presidential election of 1984 through Union Philosophical Society. Homecoming Weekend a success, opportunity for marking the 100th Anniversary of female students at Dickinson. Gamma Phi Beta sorority win's President's Cup.


Dickinsonian, April 23, 1987

Omicron Delta Kappa, an honorary national leadership society for men and Wheel and Chain, an honorary society for woman, both had a ceremony to "tap-in" their newest members. The new Kline Center is being used for a Howard Jones concert, which creates issues about preserving the "newness" of the center. The College's golf team is having a successful season with 27 wins and 6 losses.


Dickinsonian, April 9, 1987

Michael J. Netto explains and defends the college meal plans because of complaints by students of the cost. Students continue to speak out about AIDS and give their own advice and opinions. The Blue Hats or Wheel and Chain society is recognized and appreciated on campus for the work they do. The Men's Tennis Team continues to succeed this season. A former Dickinson student, Jonathan Monheit, a former Dickinson freshman, was the first man to be admitted to Goucher College since it went co-ed.

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Dickinsonian, November 7, 1985

The library and computer center have been designing a library cataloging program, AUTOCAT, since 1982 and will be ready for use next year. Gamma Phi Beta sorority received their second President's Cup at Homecoming. The annual event, Songfest, was presented by Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK) and Wheel and Chain and drew a huge crowd to ATS. An article focuses on the many roles and jobs of campus Resident Advisors. The Men's Cross Country team will participate in the Middle Atlantic Conference's invitational meet.


Dickinsonian, April 17, 1984

ODK and Wheel and Chain tap new members as well as honor seniors. Dickinson College Food Services institutes two new policies (a person must bring his original plate back for seconds and can only receive one entree at a time) in an effort to combat food waste and dish-room overload. Illinois Congressman Paul Simon has been selected to speak at this year's commencement under the theme of International Education. Latin American specialist Chris C.


Dickinsonian, October 20, 1983

The Second Annual Metzger Series opens with a focus on acquainting Dickinson women with possible career opportunities. Homecoming Weekend attracts 1000 alumni. Student Senate will begin broadcasting pilots on the Carlisle Cable Company's channel 13. The Health Center's "Wellness Week" will focus on personal fitness. The President's Cup award goes to Beta Theta Pi fraternity during halftime of the homecoming football game. The Trout Gallery opens a permanent collection on homecoming weekend that has never been displayed in its entirety. Songfest features student acts.


Dickinsonian, October 14, 1983

Dr. Frank Drake of Cornell University receives the 1983 Glover Memorial Award. The College Personnel committee decides to suspend the use of present faculty evaluation forms. Pennsylvania Representative Richard J. Cessar hosts a discussion concerning state government. BACCHUS works to educate students and the community on the effects of alcohol. In the Open Forum section, an argument is made for ROTC programs in civilian universities.

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Dickinsonian, November 22, 1976

In this edition, a tuition increase was issued, which raised tuition to about $300 more for the '77-'78 school year. The Affirmative Action Committee of Dickinson College is reviewing and revising the Title IX (against sex discrimination) self-study. Apparently the AAC recommended that the Raven's Claw and Wheel and Chain societies be excluded from the campus, since both are only all-male or all-female members.

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Dickinsonian, May 2, 1975

The Student Senate approved $81,500 in allocations for next year. The Mermaid Players' last production of the year will be the Shakespearean musical Two Gentlemen of Verona. Wheel and Chain and ODK hold spring induction ceremonies.


Dickinsonian, April 16, 1971

Harold Howe, a vice-president of the Ford Foundation and former U.S. commissioner of Education, will be the speaker at Commencement. Senior William Durden is awarded a Fulbright Scholarship. May Day plans are elaborated on. The India Semester program will continue over the summer. Wheel and Chain and ODK tap members. PEER will conduct its annual fund-raising auction. Information on completing an interdepartmental major is given. The Cumberland Conservancy Committee on Recycling prepares for their first collection of solid waste materials.


Dickinsonian, October 16, 1970

Having surpassed its fund raising goal for trees, the Student Senate approved a motion to donate the excess funds to the Carlisle Shade Tree Commission. Organizers of the Harrisburg Urban Semester will be available to speak with interested students. Wheel and Chain and ODK will sponsor Songfest for Parents' Day. A Student Cooperative Store is being organized to sell new, used, and hand-made articles. Dr. A.L. Rowse, a renowned expert on Shakespeare, will speak at the College. The Mermaid Players will present the comedy "Enough Stupidity in Every Wise Man" by Ostrovsky.


Dickinsonian, October 2, 1970

The Board of Trustees focuses on revising the budget and making cuts. A fundraiser will be held to collect $2000 for tree replacement. Students meet with Dean Hawkins to discuss problems of freshmen. The campus will host a state conference on environmental issues to be presented to the governor. Sigma Chi moves into first place in IF Football. The Red Devils win the Second Annual Dickinson Invitational Golf Tournament by four strokes from defending champion Gettysburg.


Dickinsonian, September 30, 1967

Four Dickinson representatives attended Danforth Foundation's Summer Workshop on Liberal Education and returned with suggestions for a new work-study program and curriculum changes. Contractor's miscalculations lead to delay in construction of Spahr Library's interior, delays bookwalk. ODK annual Leadership Conference planned for October 7 with theme of "Liberal Arts Education at Dickinson: Present Condition and Future Direction." A history of the partitioning of Palestine written by Jerry Weiner. New Peter, Paul, and Mary album reviewed. Chuch Strum previews the coming school year.

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Dickinsonian, September 22, 1967

Librarian Yates Forbis completes plan for a student book walk to transfer books from Bosler Hall to the new Spahr Library. Jerry Weiner reports on Six Day War in Israel after three and a half week tour of Sinai Peninsula. $7,000 worth of type-setting machinery purchased by The Dickinsonian to reduce publishing costs and improve typographic quality. President Rubendall opened 195th school year with speech regarding the power of youth and the changing nature of college life and society as a whole. Dean of Men N.

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Dickinsonian, April 24, 1970

Norval Reece campaigns on campus for a Democratic Senate seat. A student referendum on ROTC will be presented by Student Senate. The ROTC debate continues with the main issues being the moral question of weather ROTC should be on Dickinson campus, the academic question of if military science courses should count for credit, and faculty selection for the program. Wheel and Chain inducts eight new members. President Rubendall pushes back coed housing plans until '71. the Seventh Annual Sigma Chi Derby Day Chase and contest begin. The Byrds gave a fantastic concert to kick off Spring Weekend.

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Dickinsonian, October 10, 1969

The Student Mobilization Committee finalizes its plans to attend the Vietnam Moratorium and faculty urges it's support as well. Action against the Vietnam conflict and participation in Moratorium on other college campuses is also covered. A workshop is held to discuss incorporating the study of black culture into the curricula. An interesting letter to the editor calls for a "No Sex Before Marriage Club." The Physics Club had its first meeting of the season discussing UFOs. Pan-Hel held a meeting to plan for a new sorority, however no one attended.

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Dickinsonian, May 6, 1967

James Shepley, chairman of Ford Foundation Challenge Program, announces $500,000 donation to college from Louis Tuvin (Class of '10). Ford Challenge Campaign succeeds in gaining pledges. Faculty acts on pass-fail, planning to enact system in the fall. Prof. William Cage comments on the college's obedience to Epstean's Law. IFC to crown first queen. Bust of Roger Taney to be presented in Law Day celebrations. College conflicts with Allison Methodist Church members. Committee on Peace meets and formulates policies.

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Dickinsonian, May 6, 1966

The newly established Faculty Student Affairs Committee will officially begin to study effects of the experimental Social Rules beginning in the fall. Four paintings were stolen from the Student Union art display. A recent survey reveals that "goldbricking" is among the most popular college activities. A survey reveals students eating, drinking, smoking, sleeping, and praying habits. A campus wide survey of students revealed varying opinions on the Vietnam war. Dickinson's Young Socialists Club is officially disbanded.


Dickinsonian, March 25, 1966

The Student Senate approves new Social Rules recommended by the Social and Academic Affairs Committee and will be put into action with Dean approval.The Student Violations Hearing Board meets and alters procedures. A student faculty group explores issues of campus life debating "what is right and wrong with Dickinson students." Transfer students increase due to dislike of the 5-5-4-4 system. The second half of the Andrews Report is presented exploring patterns in the student body.Progress and goals of the new Leadership Council are explained.


Dickinsonian, April 27, 1962

Wheel and Chain recognize new pledge class. Richard III to be performed by Players of Washington. Cadet Colonel John H. Dingee wins three awards at college ROTC Review. Glenn Hitchens receives top ODK Awards. IFC Weekend to feature the Shirelles. Hilbert Sabin and Kenneth Laws added to faculty. Student Senate plans for improvement of Town-College relations. Students request longer library hours. Special interview by Sam Christensen on influence of student political activity. Tennis, Baseball victories. Fencing club opens with Prof. Kuhinka as instructor.


Dickinsonian, May 5, 1961

Former Dickinson professor J. Wesley Robb visits to lecture and lead discussion groups. Minors are no longer required for graduation. Wheel and Chain tap five new members. Issue dedicated to outgoing President Gilbert "Red" Malcolm with special commemorative. Professors Herbert Thomson and Edward Rothstein resign. Alpha Psi Omega tap seven new members. New faculty members announced. Communism on campuses on rise. Lloyd Price to be headliner for IFC Weekend. Professor Luther Erickson wins two grants for chemical research. Tennis wins 31st consecutive game over span of three years.
