ODK and Wheel and Chain tap new members as well as honor seniors. Dickinson College Food Services institutes two new policies (a person must bring his original plate back for seconds and can only receive one entree at a time) in an effort to combat food waste and dish-room overload. Illinois Congressman Paul Simon has been selected to speak at this year's commencement under the theme of International Education. Latin American specialist Chris C. Cutter visited campus the previous week as the Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellow, giving lectures to various language and political science classes, holding informal discussions and giving a public lecture. Dickinson offers students and faculty the opportunity to purchase microcomputers 61% off the list price from the Digital Equipment Corporation; the article specifically mentions the DEC Rainbow. The Follies production of Runaways is a great success. The Mermaid Players present their Lab Shows with success. The women's tennis team brings their record to 5-1 with another win. The men's lacrosse team takes a loss while the women's lacrosse team takes another victory.
