Dickinsonian, February 2, 2017

Neil Weissman offers support to international students in response to Donald Trump's bans on immigration. Dickinsonians participate in DC Women's Marches. Clarke Forum hosts Kathryn Ellis and David O'Connell lecture on reproductive rights, politics, and ethics and Thomas Palley lecture on financial crisis of 2008. Popel Shaw Center for Race and Ethnicity host panel discussion for Black History Month. 


Dickinsonian, September 22, 2016

Elizabeth Kolbert wins the Sam Rose '58 and Julie Walters Prize for environmental activism and delivers a speech about her book The Sixth Extinction. Higher crime rates in Carlisle lead to an increase in patrols by the Carlilse Police Department and increased cooperation with Dickinson's Department of Public Safety (DPS). Interim President Neil Weissman holds first open hours session. 


Dickinsonian, April 17, 1980

Omicron Delta Kappa and Blue Hats tap members. Junior Scott Mumma awarded the Presidential Scholarship by President Samuel A. Banks. Junior Bill Hill III receives 1902 Award. Alpha Chi Rho and Sigma Alpha Epsilon organize a 24-hour marathon volleyball game to raise money for UNICEF. Ted Kennedy visits Harrisburg. Professor Neil Weissman speaks of strive for immortality. State police investigate fraternity vandalism. English poet Gavin Ewart reads his poetry in a presentation in Memorial Hall. Golf Team remains undefeated. Bill Koltnow receives national collegiate boxing title.


Dickinsonian, January 31, 1980

The members of Alpha Delta Epsilon sorority decide to affiliate instead with Gamma Phi Beta. Action is taken after "special effects" powder causes an explosion at the Sigma Chi fraternity house. President Samuel A. Banks announces the formation of the Task Force on Student Life. Professor Neil Weissman discusses overestimating Soviet aggression. Section on the construction of the Kline Center. Professors Osborne, Perinchief, and Spear will sponsor a Dickinson semester program in Britain.
