Dickinsonian, September 24, 1921

Dr. Noah B. Rosenberger joins the faculty to replace Dr. Landis as head of the math department while he is away. Milton W. Eddy is elected professor of biology. Matriculation. YMCA and YWCA give annual reception for freshmen. Professor William A. Baumgartner joins faculty as Bible professor. Karl Shedd joins faculty as associate professor of romance language. Herbert L. Davis ’21 becomes instructor in chemistry and history. Charles Thomas ’21 becomes instructor of mathematics. List of new students. YMCA and YWCA re-institute the Student Department of the College Church Sunday School.


Dickinsonian, November 21, 1919

Football coaches lament players' work ethic.  Metzgerites hold monthly birthday parties to celebrate all birthdays occurring in that month.  Herbert L. Davis '21 is elected president of newly re-formed Mohler Scientific Club.  Mike Palm '20 lectures to Mohler Scientific Club on aviation technology.  Faculty declare that all college social activities must end before midnight. 

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, September 22, 1927

Freshman class enrollment is a record high. Practices begin for what is promised to be "Dickinson's greatest football team of the present decade." Fraternities commence rushing for new members. The College is left a large sum by Robert Weaver, class of 1875. Faculty changes this year bring May Morris as head librarian, Frances A. Janney as Women's Athletic Director, Henry W. Monyer as lab assistant, and Herbert L. Davis returns after two years to the chemistry department.
