Dickinsonian, February 25, 2005

Issue includes articles on the decrease of the faculty course load - one aim to attract more distinguished professors. Several current campus issues caused increased turmoil within Student Senate. Keynote speaker at Commencement announced: Pennsylvania Governor, Ed Rendell. Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity suspended, and several letters to the editor dispute the issue. Spotlight on the Racquet Club. Alumnus profile on Peter Reilly '88. Women's basketball wins the Centennial Conference. Spotlight on student athlete, Meg Shelley '05.


Dickinsonian, February 11, 2005

This issue includes articles on the Dickinson College Democrats, and their organizing of a conference to discuss the future of American politics. Results of a recent bomb threat by a student. Plans for the new science building continue to be discussed. Reaction to the unveiling of the new Trout Gallery exhibit entitled, "Woodcuts to Wrapping Paper: Concepts of Originality in Contemporary Prints." Spotlight on the Keystones (Club). Alumnus profile on Stephen Gianetti '73. Women's basketball defeats Franklin & Marshall and secures a spot in the Centennial Conference.


Dickinsonian, February 4, 2005

Rick Surita leaves post as Dean of Student Life - reason for departure is uncertain. Gretchen Symons named the new Director of Student Activities. Students suggest a College shuttle service for the intoxicated as driving under the influence becomes a problem. Spotlight on the Portuguese Club. Interview with Lindsay Robinson '08, who is organizing a tsunami aid trip to Southeast Asia. Alumnus profile on Barbara Staunch Slusher '86. Michelle Levy '06 begins organizing a Jewish social justice club.


Dickinsonian, February 9, 2001

A new social space was opened for students on the corner of Louther and College Streets. There are an abundance of opportunities for students to work on campus. 50 freshman participated in the Emerging Leaders Retreat over winter break. Six students selected nineteen paintings by artist Ralston Crawford for the newest exhibit at the Trout Gallery. Adam Ferullo writes a column about the auspicious first two weeks of George W. Bush's presidency. Rick Recht, a Jewish rock musician, played at the Depot on Saturday night. Five students were asked their best and worst Valentine's Day gifts.


Dickinsonian, December 7, 1999

PAS Symposium to focus on human rights. Chinese government releases Helen Yao, wife of Yongyi Song. Admissions changes on the table for the new millennium. College prepares computer system for Y2K. Student response to Richard Rodriguez. Professor Ken Laws blends physics and ballet. Property damage damages college reputation. College town meeting a success. Luce Grant helps fund College's Diaspora Project. Roommates: how do they choose? The century turns at Dickinson...again. From play days to the NCAA's: the story of women's sports at Dickinson. Freshman actors debut in Cubiculo.


Dickinsonian, February 21, 1991

In lieu of recent attacks on students by townspeople, campus security offers safety suggestions. David Gergen and others speak on "changing Europe" in PAS. Peter Hilton-Kingdon resigns as Senate VP. Don't Mall the Trees Rally deemed a success by DARE member Justin Weaver. Prof. Dennis Akin's works on paintings inspired by Nikos Kazantzakis' "Spiritual Exercises." Sculptor Charles Simonds visits College. Pete Barry and Anne Flounders present "Love Letters" play. Dance Theater Group to perform. The College's financial aid is discussed.


Dickinsonian, February 14, 1991

PAS opens with David Gergen speaking on changes in Europe. To apply in fall, Housing Board requires fraternities to fill 75 percent of beds. Despite recession, seniors overall optimistic towards post-college success. Sen. John Heinz to give commencement address. Alexander Politkovsky speaks out against Russian media repression. A "suspicious individual" reported on campus. Sophomore Chad Crammer arrested for robbing Morgantown, PA Pizza Hut. Lack of funding delays demolition of Russian and ROTC Houses. D.A.R.E. slated to stage "Don't Mall the Trees" rally at Seven Gables Park.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, February 7, 1991

ROTC students reflect upon possibility of serving in Persian Gulf War. Annual budget passes smoothly. While some students return early from studying in Bologna due to terrorism and war issues, enrollment in study-abroad programs remains strong. Rally for Peace confronts Persian Gulf War. Housing Board decides not to allow sophomores in fraternities. Carlisle residents stage weekly troop-support rallies at Square. Two students arrested for burglary at Baker and Russell Oil Company. "Trials and Triumphs: American Prints from the 1930s and 1940s" on display at Trout Gallery.


Dickinsonian, February 25, 1999

'Difficult Dialogue' set to tackle alcohol-related issues on campus. College looks to transform McKenney alley into vista. College cuts coach Haynam - "winningest women's basketball coach in school history" - loose after nine-year reign. KnowledgeSoft CEO speaks about 'How to Become a Billionaire'. Caribbean dinner, African-American showcase commemorate black history. New Department of Public Safety head Paul Darlington addresses student concerns.


Dickinsonian, February 11, 1999

Republican governor of New Jersey Christine Todd Whitman to speak at Commencement. Upperclassmen booted to quads next year. Faculty set to battle it out over curriculum reform plans. Former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter to open 36th annual PAS on Sunday evening, in spite of the withdrawal of 'Dolly cloner'. Admissions numbers up. William Durden chosen to succeed Fritschler as president of the College, articulates his vision for the College. Panel of experts on Russia debate country's shaky future. 1999 Public Affairs Symposium: Science in Society is profiled.


Dickinsonian, November 19, 1998

Elizabeth Baer, the second presidential candidate, articulates vision for College. Senate investigates student concerns about health center. Football team to battle Wesley in ECAC bowl game. Director of student activities Mary Spellman proposes student media fee of $35 for media groups. New dean of international education Karen Jenkins hopes to push study abroad numbers to 100 percent. Rick Santorum speech provides "map" to "help people negotiate" the 'Health Care Maze'. Waidner-Spahr Library debuts 'spillproof' mug. Trout Gallery touts works by faculty artists.


Dickinsonian, February 12, 1998

McKenney Suites bursts into flames. Poets, activist to speak about 'Black Voices'. College to cut almost $1 million for 1999. 35th annual PAS focuses on religion's role in society. Library installs card-operated photocopying machines, students must purchase new card. Animal rights group focuses on animal testing.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, January 29, 1998

Search begins for a new college president. Phi Kap brothers sentenced to 300 hours of community service for stealing Halloween decorations from local homes. Accidental severing of wires in construction of the library is to cost $50,000 to repair. Online bookstore provides alternative to students. Children's Center offers professors and their children shelter from national day care crisis. Dean's List membership expands by 88% due to new criteria. Student has run-in with Thai sex industry


Dickinsonian, February 23, 1995

Russian ambassador Vorontsov gives Keynote address, predicts changes for the UN in the future. PAS symposium critiques the UN's effectiveness. M.A.S.H. star Mike Farrell discusses his personal journey and humanitarian efforts. George Lopez argues for 'maturing' international relations. Physical Education requirement comes under scrutiny. Some 90s pop star is set to come to Dickinson in April. Five professors granted tenure. Redskins in search of a new summer home after the agreement between them and the College breaks down. Best Buddies program starts at Dickinson.


Dickinsonian, March 11, 1993

Occupancy requirements force fraternities out. Fraternities petition for recognition. Faculty negs senate vote. Senior class committee searches for funding. Freshmen drink but prefer not to. ROTC training includes air exercise. Traveling abroad? watch out. A look back at historical college news. Broadway hits Dickinson to help local needy. Fields of Vision opens a contemporary door to an ancient land. Eaken Piano Trio gives stellar performance to Carnegie audience.


Dickinsonian, February 25, 1993

Suspense grows for announcement of graduation speaker. Poor recruiting does not reflect job market. Clinton will not increase individual Pell grants. College fills Communications and Development post. Coat thefts baffle Security. Students keep to the tradition of Florida for Spring Break. Black History at Dickinson is explored. Tischler tells concert committee to keep Phish-in'. The Eaken Piano Trio: Balance in performance. DTG's Freshworks hands audience new look.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, February 18, 1993

PAS draws record numbers, sparks awareness. Joe Clark, Reverend Dr. William Sloane Coffin, Jack Palance speak. Shirts from the Clothesline project break silence about sexual violence. Judith Lee Berg, sheds light on hate. Lumberyard renovated, still popular social space for campus organizations. With $30,000, Concert Committee lacks planning, big ticket. Where can you get Brass Lobsters? The Browsery. Peace Action group plans festival for April. Article on the College's proud past. Mermaid Players give best performance in years.


Dickinsonian, February 11, 1993

US Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun addresses "the changing of the guard" at ATS. Protesters maintain vigil for God to "deal" Justice Blackmun. Riots, film galvanize black empowerment. Accident claims the life of college employee; injures another. Devil's Den usurps the condom machine. Groups urge students to boycott Colorado over gay rights. PAS presents Jack Palance for speech. A look back at the Dickinsonian's past: 121 years of excellence and scholarship. Controversy in the Quads. The year long Irish Festival continues.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, February 4, 1993

Corporations and stats show that GPA's are not a big question. ROTC addresses Clinton mandate on homosexuals. Seniors denied classes during spring registration. Ed Sweeney leaves Devils Football for Div.1 AA. US Supreme Court Justice Henry Blackmun to address law school. Professor Jane Hill dies while on sabbatical. PAS takes on violence in American society. Students unite for Beyond the Dream. Silly or serious, many campus traditions are here to stay. Fine Arts students display a semester's worth of research and hard work.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, December 10, 1992

Crime rises as Safety and Security come under fire. Mike Yonas inspires compassion with Homelessness sculpture. Crunch time proves fatal for Computer rooms in the HUB, Bosler, and James Center. College graduates seek service work in bleak job market. The Spahr Library's Morris Room, not just for research. The Lumberyard's viability as fraternity social space. Marijuana use declines amidst gaining support of legalization. Spike Lee discusses the power and contemporary relevance of "X".


Dickinsonian, March 10, 1994

Rebecca Walker hosts a presentation on "Becoming the Third Wave," a rally to modern advances in feminism. The Student Senate looks into establishing an honor code. Delta Delta Delta hosts a seminar promoting crime awareness. Hank Nuwer gives a presentation on the dangers of hazing based on his book Broken Pledges--The Deadly Rite of Hazing. The library installs five Macintosh computers. The college examines the future of ROTC. Dean Allan discusses declining enrollment and grade inflation in a revealing interview.


Dickinsonian, February 24, 1994

Daniel Schorr delivers the keynote speech to this years Public Affairs Symposium entitled "The Trouble with Television--Biting the Hand that Fed Me." Students debate the nature of advertising, using a recent Pepsi commercial featuring a chimp as the topic of discussion. Common Hour sees a continuation if the PAS topic of Media with a discussion on how ethnic stereotypes are portrayed to Americans. A survey given to students reveals their opinions on racism at Dickinson. Graduate school programs become increasingly more selective due to the wavering economy.


Dickinsonian, February 17, 1994

The Sexual Resource Group provides information during Safer Sex Week. Pennsylvania's Abortion Control Act will go into place, mandating counseling and a 24 hour waiting period after that session. A performance of the play "Our Young Black Men are Dying and Nobody Seems to Care" is one of the many events scheduled for Black History Month. The Mermaid Players perform a "must see" production of King Lear. The Cultural Affairs Committee funds a performance of Chopin's music by renowned pianist Robert Guralnik. The Music department also presented a concert of Schubert pieces.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, February 10, 1994

Enrollment for the 1994-1995 year is reduced so more funds can be put towards financial aid. Build-up continues for the upcoming PAS on media. A new climbing class proves very popular. In Honor of Black History Month, the Trout gallery opens an exhibit on African art entitled "African Objects of Prestige and Personal Adornment from the Permanent Collection." The Woman's Basketball team squeaks into the Centennial playoffs.


Dickinsonian, February 3, 1994

The Lumberyard collapses due to heavy snow fall. The origins of a fire in Quad 4 are questioned. The first Common Hour of the spring features The New Jack Scholars--a group that explores African History through Hip-Hop in Afrocentricity. The topic of the upcoming Public Affairs Symposium is Media: Defining the American Dream. The College will celebrate Black History Month throughout February with multiple events. The Men and Women's basketball teams loose momentum after the break.
