Dickinsonian Newspaper

Phi Kappa Psi

Dickinsonian Front Page

Annual Tug-o'-War between Freshmen and Sophomores. The War Department requests that the college form a rifle club. The Greek Club will perform in Old West. Officers for all women organizations are chosen. Preparations for Alumni Day. Preparation for commencement activities. Dickinsonian...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Despite cold weather, the Annual College Picnic is a great success. The Belles Lettres Society received a letter from well-known minister and author Henry Van Dyke. The Interfraternity Scholarship Cup is presented to Phi Kappa Sigma. A meeting of the Interfraternity Council rejects the proposed...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Greek Club elects officers; Bernard L. Green is president.  Phi Kappa Psi donates a trophy to be given to the winner of the interfraternity swim meet.  Football changes the way in which its captains are elected.  Warren C. Lummis installed as Athletic Association president.

Dickinsonian Front Page

YMCA and YWCA hold a debate about Prohibition.  Senior class decides not to hold a senior ball.  An all-college dance will replace fraternity dances at commencement.  Alfred O. Keedy wins German Club scholarship to Germany.  Phi Kappa Psi wins interfraternity track.  Dickins0n-in-China drive...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Rushing activities for women's fraternities end as freshman girls and fraternities hand in pledges to Pan-Hellenic Council.  Belles Lettres Society begins its 152nd year of existence at Dickinson with October meeting.  John Burton Nicholson, Jr., accepts position as assistant librarian. ...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Hell Week for fraternity pledges leaves Phi Kappa Psi pledges sweeping walkways for active members, Sigma Chi pledges going back to freshman rules, Phi Delta Thetas conducting mass on Molly Pitcher's grave and Sigma Alpha Epsilon pledges carting actives around like horses. Four students are...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Three new members elected to Phi Beta Kappa. The semester begins with one new member to the faculty and one to the administration. Changes made to the structure of the Army to enable easier mobility through the ranks. Dickinson Law School changes the structure of its semesters to enable students...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Over 200 guests and perspective students visited on Guest Day. Fraternities register for sugar rationing and individual registration will begin soon. Article on the history of Metzger Hall. Many Dickinson athletes enlist in the Marine Corps.

Dickinsonian Front Page

The Red Devils basketball team ends its highly successful season with an 80-68 victory over Bucknell. A fire breaks out at the Phi Kappa Psi house, requiring the Fire Department to visit twice but ultimately damaging little beyond the stove it started in. Professors Ernest A. Vuilleumier and...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Pan-Hell Weekend program. Frank S. Houck chosen outstanding chemistry student. Profile of Professor Ferdinando Maurino. Phi Kappa Psi wins interfraternity track meet.

Dickinsonian Front Page

Rush ends and 126 freshmen men pledge fraternities including Alpha Chi Rho, Beta Theta Pi, Kappa Sigma, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Epsilon Pi, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Kappa Sigma, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Chi and Theta Chi. The Dickinson Law School begins to require all applicants for admission to take...

Dickinsonian Front Page

President Edel approves the existence of the Biddle House, an 'Honor Dorm' where students are allowed to follow less strict regulations. Discussion of President Edel's release of a ten-year report on Dickinson College. Organization of the Religion-In-Life Week program. The Student Senate...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Famous drama critic, John Mason Brown to speak at the next Cultural Affairs event. Mr. Donald R. Seibert elected head coach for Dickinson Football. Biology Department buys new equipment after receiving a $5,000 donation from Smith, Kline and French Co. Mr. and Mrs. Janos Tar, a young couple from...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Homecoming plans are announced. Dean Ness is selected as Humanities Chair. Jazz trombonist J. J. Johnson to perform on November 7. Phi Kappa Psi celebrates centennial. The Microcosm is used to investigate graduates. The music department will present "Amahl" and "Die Fledermaus." Three...

Dickinsonian Front Page

This issue focuses on the social rules at Dickinson. A group of seniors formed a group to evaluated these rules, while, inside, articles reflecting the opinions of the Deans, students, and faculty on the social rules are presented. The Middle States Association's evaluation of Dickinson...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Priestley award goes to Dr. W. Maurice Ewing of Columbia University, Geophysicist. Malcolm Reports Dickinson's progress is on improvement. Senior Fred Richardson reserves Woodrow Wilson award for chemistry research. John Dingee takes over as Senate president. Loan from the federal Community...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Phi Kappa Psi suspended due to rushing violations. Dr. C. Arnold Hanson, president of Gettysburg College to speak at Dickinson scholarship dinner. Mermaid Players expect sell-out house for their production of Othello. Ground Breaking Ceremony of new women's dormitory on South College took place...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Dr. Woodward of Harvard to receive Priestley Award. College receives Ford Grant for the faculty study in Asian cultures. Dr. Edward U. Condon to receive John Glover Award. Spring Weekend performances include Twilight Gardens and Dave Guard and the Hill Singers. Dean Alan Coutts announces...

Dickinsonian Front Page

In this issue of the Dickinsonian Pres. Rubendall discloses results of Methodist Survey Report. Four Honorary Doctorates presented at Senior Ceremony. Dr. Nancy Lee Beaty to spend year in Greece teaching. College adds four new Faculty members. Synopsis of the year's social events. Prof. Stoyan...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Brothers Four comment on concert: crowd was "rowdy and rude." Mermaid Players to perform "vulgar comedy" "Light up the Sky". Student Senate halts Committee of Thirteen while passing social regulatory system. Senate proposes shorter fraternity rush. Carol Baker named Miss WHYL of Carlisle. Dean...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The Mermaid Players open "A Man for All Seasons", their first performance of the year. The Dave Brubeck Jazz Quartet is scheduled to play on Friday, Nov. 17, 1967 at the Carlisle Senior High School Gymnasium. David Hagan of the Dickinson College faculty will give a piano recital, Nov. 12 at 3 P....

Dickinsonian Front Page

A survey of the campus regarding the Vietnam War shows that most students and faculty want some sort of change in Vietnam policy. The Paul Butterfield Blues Band is set to play in the HUB Dining Hall for the Mid-Winter Concert. The Interfraternity Council set up an internal committee to...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Dean Gillespie outlines the disorderly conduct charges on Ron Lane. Controversy surrounds Prof. Daniel Crofts after his refusing draft induction. Court finds Lane guilty of disorderly conduct. Michael Bloom awarded Summerfield Scholar of the Year by Phi Kappa Psi. Eric Voegelin to guest lecture...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The HUB Gallery will host a collection of paintings entitled "The Nazi Drawings" by Mauricio Lasansky. Many students contract an unknown illness. A new modern dance program is offered. The field hockey team wins their first game.

Dickinsonian Front Page

In this edition, a new gymnasium is going to be built, whereas the Arts center, badly in need of renovations or a new location, will not be receiving either. The Student Affairs Committee's proposal for coed alternative housing received tremendous disapproval by the Board of Trustees. Ellen...


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