Dickinsonian, May 1895

Demorest Temperence Contest held at the Lutheran Church. Anna Shaw lecture on the "New Man". Freshmen banquet. Update on the Microcosm. Rod and Gun club is organized. President Reed's reception to members of the Senior class. Debate between Belles Lettres Society and Union Philosophical Society, the Union Philosophical Society the victor. Obituary for Dickinson student Leon Chamberlain. Freshmen Oratorical Contest for the Cole and Walkley prizes held in Bosler Hall. New fraternity song for Phi Delta Theta. Y. M. C. A. Northfield convention.


Dickinsonian, June 1893

Multiple pages of notes about this year's commencement. Alumni banquet is held. Phi Delta Theta banquet. Sigma Alpha Epsilon banquet. Phi Kappa Psi's annual reunion and Symposium. Beta Theta Pi banquet. Sigma Chi banquet. Announcement of Y. M. C. A.'s annual conference in Northfield. Belles Lettres Society held a contest in Bosler Hall. The semi-annual meeting of the Inter-Collegiate Press Association of the Middle States was held in Philadelphia. Results of the Belles Lettres Society and Union Philosophical Society are announced.

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Dickinsonian, September 30, 1899

Y. M. C. A. conference held in Northfield. Biennial National Convention of Sigma Chi is held. Major Pilcher becomes a professor at Dickinson. Phi Kappa Sigma holds their annual smoker. Comments on literary society initiations.

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