Dickinsonian, April 7, 1909
Summary of Glee and Madonlin Club's spring tour. Philadelphia Conference Alumni Association banquet. Annual Indoor Sports event. Freshman oratorical contest. Phi Kappa Sigma dance. Minstrel shows are a success.
Summary of Glee and Madonlin Club's spring tour. Philadelphia Conference Alumni Association banquet. Annual Indoor Sports event. Freshman oratorical contest. Phi Kappa Sigma dance. Minstrel shows are a success.
Glee and Mandolin Club's annual spring tour. Belles Lettres Society and Union Philosophical Society election results. Union Philosophical Society wins the debate against the Belles Lettres Society. Dr. Prettyman lectures the Shakespeare Club. Belles Lettres Society anniversary. Sigma Alpha Epsilon dance. Phi Kappa Psi reception. Minstrel show will be given. Pi Beta Phi entertains in the Assembly Hall. Dr. Abbee address in Chapel Hall. Dickinson loses to Swarthmore in an oratorical contest. Summary of James N. Brown's address to the college.