Dickinsonian, February 22, 1911

Freshman Banquet held in Harrisburg. Skull and Key society holds meeting. Annual fundraising for the Library Guild successful. Money for an academic prize donated to the economics department. Washington Alumni look to form permanent organization. President George Edward Reed submits letter of resignation. An essay on classic mythology in Milton's poetry.


Dickinsonian, March 1893

Annual mid-winter athletic exhibition is held. Alpha Zeta Phi holds second annual reception. YMCA elects officers; McNeil is president. Freshman Angella E. Harry dies after a long illness. Dickinson becomes a founding member of the Pennsylvania Inter-Collegiate Oratorical League; Furst '93 represents Dickinson at the conference. UPS elects officers. Annual freshman banquet is held.  Students praise a "resurrected" Dickinson, with many improvements being made by the new administration that drastically improves Dickinson's future outlook.  Chi Phi is officially declared extinct.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, January 27, 1904

The Dickinsonian makes a plea for better advertising of the college and suggests starting a club dedicated to press relations. The Freshman class manages to secretly plan and execute their class banquet without interruption from the sophomore class. Dr. Morris W. Prince offers the second half of his thoughts regarding Milan. Phi Kappa Sigma hosts a banquet. Mr. Virgil G. Hinshaw of the Inter-Collegiate Prohibition Association is set to lecture in Bosler.
