Dickinsonian, March 1893

Annual mid-winter athletic exhibition is held. Alpha Zeta Phi holds second annual reception. YMCA elects officers; McNeil is president. Freshman Angella E. Harry dies after a long illness. Dickinson becomes a founding member of the Pennsylvania Inter-Collegiate Oratorical League; Furst '93 represents Dickinson at the conference. UPS elects officers. Annual freshman banquet is held.  Students praise a "resurrected" Dickinson, with many improvements being made by the new administration that drastically improves Dickinson's future outlook.  Chi Phi is officially declared extinct.

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Dickinsonian, March 12, 1931

The basketball team ends its season, perhaps its best in school history. Sophomore Milton Davidson is awarded the sophomore cup for exemplary character and achievement by Omicron Delta Kappa. The winners of the 1932 Microcosm beauty contest are decided and include both fraternity and non-fraternity girls. Student Senate makes plans for a D Club on campus which will ensure that deserving athletic teams are adequately awarded. The Interfraternity Council revises rules for rushing. A distinguished alumnus is lost with the death of Dr. Clyde Bowman Furst.

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