Dickinsonian, November 20, 1897

A letter from the bedridden President Reed's is published, updating the college on the president's condition.  Bleachers to be erected at the Athletic Field.  The editors suggest that a book review be added to the weekly programs of the literary societies.  The Union Philosophical Society elects new officers.  Students participate in a minstrel show at the Opera House.

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Dickinsonian, November 13, 1897

The International YMCA's Week of Prayer is planned for next week and attendance is encouraged.  The senior class lacks adequate astronomy equipment.  The editors join in the debate over opening the literary portions of the literary societies' meetings to the public.  Dr. Reed's illness continues.  The winners of the entrance prizes are announced.  The Friday following Thanksgiving Day is granted as a holiday.  The Great Dane newly purchased as school mascot arrives on campus.

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Dickinsonian, November 6, 1897

Professor Marcus D. Buell of the Boston Theological Seminary addresses the YMCA.  James Young performs some dramatic selections for the campus.  The Orchestra and Glee Club prepare for their upcoming concert.  Dr. Reed is confined to bed with illness.  The establishment of Founer's Day celebrations are still discussed, although no definitive plans have been made.  A holiday on the Friday after Thanksgiving is requested.  Money is collected to purchase a Great Dane to serve as the school's mascot.

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Dickinsonian, October 30, 1897

The ladies of the Ladies Hall host a reception for the seniors.  The literary societies have had unusual enthusiasm and activity this year.  At the request of Dr. Reed and with large support from the students, the Dickinson Musical Association is established, a constitution and by-laws drawn up and approved, and officers elected.  A large and convenient exit gate is installed at the athletic field, in response to complaints.  The Junior class elects its officers.  The editors of the Microcosm are chosen.


Dickinsonian, February 1893

Mrs. Mary O'Hara Spring and Miss Matilda W. Denny of Pittsburgh donate two properties on Main Street to the college; President Reed hopes to build a recitation hall on the O'Hara Spring property, which becomes Denny Hall.  The Denny property is sold to fund the construction. A floor is added to the gymnasium above the bowling alley for the purpose of indoor baseball practice, boxing, wrestling, and fencing. YMCA observes day of prayer.


Dickinsonian, October 10, 1906

The Business Men's Carnival, sponsored by Dickinson's Athletic Associatio and  to be held in the Opera House, "promises to be THE event of the season."  A Geology class, under the direction of Professor Stephens, goes on a field trip.  The Reeds host a reception for Phi Kappa Sigma.  The performance of the New York Symphony Orchestra under Walter Damrosch is an excellent success.

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Dickinsonian, March 8, 1905

The first annual Northeastern Pennsylvania Alumni Association of Dickinson College banquet was held in Scranton.  President Reed discusses his travel experiences as he attempted to increase the endowment of the college. Phi Kappa Psi holds a dance.  The first anniversary of the Denny Fire is observed.  Samuel W. McDowell '06 and Willard L Amthor '07 are elected Dickinsonian editors for the coming year.  Captain A.


Dickinsonian, November 11, 1903

President George Reed encourages Methodists to donate money to existing Methodist colleges instead of starting new colleges. Pi Beta Phi enters Dickinson. Reports come in from Heib '95 and Pemberton '03 about their mission work in Ceylon & India. Request from the editors for alumni to submit any old copies of the Dickinsonian they may have so that "a complete file of these volumes may be bound and preserved for reference in the future." William A. DeGroot '97 elected as a member of the General Assembly of New York.


Dickinsonian, November 7, 1896

Annual Week of Prayer for Colleges upcoming.  John DeWitt Miller to give a lecture, hosted by the YMCA.  Dr. Prince is made an honorary member of the Union Philosophical Society.  Many students returned home to vote in the presidential election.  "Sound Money" students participate in a demonstration in Carlisle.  Dr. Reed gives a speech on campaign issues at the Court House, and then in response to the negative article about it in the Carlisle Sentinel, challenges any local Democrat to a debate, which none accept.


Dickinsonian, October 31, 1896

The senior and junior class election results announced.  The Allison Law Society and Dickinson Law Society announce their new officers.  The question of silver versus gold standard for currency is debated.  The law students hold regular Moot Courts.  Delta Chi moves to the third floor of the Stuart building.  The YMCA hosts R. L. Cumnock for its second entertainment.  The hot water in the gym is increased and the reading room hours are extended, as requested by the students.  Dr. and Mrs. Reed host an informal tea for the faculty and their families.

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Dickinsonian, October 24, 1896

Dr. Reed returns and encourages the student body in regular physical exercise.  The upcoming YMCA concert by the Wilczek Concert Company is announced, and a description of the performers provided.  Newly completed Denny Hall to be opened for inspection by the public.  The Rev.


Dickinsonian, October 17, 1896

The names and home towns of the new students are published.  Dr. Reed travels to Clifton Springs, NY to recover his health after an overly busy summer.  YMCA's schedule of events is announced.  Laboratory space in the Scientific Building is doubled.  The steam heating system is expanded to more buildings on campus.  Class officers are announced. Results of the tennis tournament are announced.

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