Dickinsonian, April 26, 1905

Dickinson observed the 16th year of Dr. Reed's presidency. The bell atop Old West is taken down and placed in the bell tower of Denny Hall.  Upon doing so it was found to be cracked.  Dickinson College hosts the annual convention of the Intercollegiate Prohibition Association of Pennsylvania

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Dickinsonian, January 7, 1937

The German Club sponsors a movie entirely in German. The Junior Prom Committee is announced. The story is told of former students climbing atop Old West to fill the bell with water so that it froze and could not call them chapel in the morning. A Faculty Committee is appointed to examine the quality of work by the students and to consider a need for a comprehensive test at the end of a college course. There is a call for the community to consider sterilization laws “for human betterment.” Stewart Patterson, Temperance leader, wills the country to bring back Prohibition.
