Dickinsonian, February 13, 1959

President William Edel consents to extended term. Admissions plans class of '63 to be smallest in many years. Fire in kitchen of Phi Epsilon Pi house. Student Senate questions faculty changes. Frank A. Miller becomes history instructor; Jacqueline Smith Olin becomes chemistry instructor. Men's swimming defeats Gettysburg. Professor William L. Taylor embarks on lecture tour of Near East and Far East on American way of life for State Department.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, April 20, 1962

Samuel Hays Magill appointed College Chaplain and Director of Religious Activities. Annual Arts Festival to feature D. James Kettlewell. Microcosm announce Roger Craver as Editor in Chief for 1963 edition. Professors Frank Miller and Luther Erickson to leave college. Arrests made at Alpha Chi Rho during Spring Weekend. Aquacade present the Lullaby of Broadway. Prof. Flint Kellogg, Prof. Milton Flower and Prof. Wright Kirk to take sabbatical leave. Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia to present "Americana". Patsy Hitches wins fifth crown in Badminton Competition.


Dickinsonian, April 13, 1962

Dean Barbara S. Wishmeyer selects 7 women for Freshman counselors. Prof. Clinton Rossiter to speak in Memorial Hall. Summer school offers new 37 course curriculum. The Gould Memorial Drama Prize winners to visit New York. Aquacade to perform "There's No Business Like Show Business". Follies present "Where's Charley" show. Dave Guard and the Whiskeyhill Singers performed at Alumni concert. Dean Wishmeyer speaks with fraternities and sororities about chaperons. SRAC (Student Religious Affairs Council) claims cheating at Dickinson is alarmingly prevalent.
