In this issue of the Dickinsonian Dr. Elton Trueblood of Earlham College speaks at Allison Church. The Student Senate elections undergo revised procedures. Dr. Roland M. Frye visits Dickinson. Students return from ski trip to Elk Mountain. Mermaid Players soon to present "The Crucible". German students prepare play under direction of Dr. Herbert Royce. "Two British Satirists, Hogarth and Rowlandson" to be exhibited in Bosler Hall. Prof. Robert Andrews to become headmaster of the Harrisburg Academy. Gail Watt to represent college at 15th Annual PCBA Intercollegiate Band Festival. New women's dormitory to open in fall. ROTC adds three officers. Mr. Richard Cheshire plans new development program. Buts and Cup reorganized under Dr. Samuel Magill. Wrestling defeat John Hopkins. IF All-Star basketball team place 2nd in invitational.
