Dickinsonian Newspaper

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Basketball season begins.  Week of Prayer is observed.  Professor Prince gives well-attended speech on League of Nations.  Campus Club adopts constitution. 

Dickinsonian Front Page

Belles Lettres wins annual inter-society debate.  Dr. Landis plans to lead a summer tourist trip through Europe.  Women's intercollegiate basketball team forms.  Alpha Chi Rho holds anniversary banquet. 

Dickinsonian Front Page

Construction continues on Memorial Hall.  Flu outbreak wanes. 

Dickinsonian Front Page

Freshmen do not hold a parade on Washington's Birthday.  Phi Kappa Psi house is burglarized.  Girls' Dramatic Club performs "Powder and Patches".  Belles Lettres celebrates its 134th anniversary.  Intercollegiate debate team loses to Lafayette. ...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Intercollegiate debating team defeats Bucknell and Penn State.  Harmon Literary Society defeats Union Philosophical Society in a debate concerning co-education at Dickinson.  French Club celebrates Washington's birthday.  Phi Mu initiates new...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Freshmen win button game.  Professor Landis is knighted by king of Italy.  Pi Beta Phi initiates new members.  Baseball season begins.  Arthur J. Latham '10 is appointed graduate manager of athletics.  YMCA elects officers.  Eta Pi initiates new...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Student Senate considers new organization of itself.  Athletic committee sells baseball season tickets in effort to engage townspeople.  Sigma Alpha Epsilon celebrates its anniversary.  Thermae Club holds Founders' Day banquet. 

Dickinsonian Front Page

Class of 1917 to hold its first reunion.  Lafayette defeats debate team. 

Dickinsonian Front Page

Philomel Club gives concert.  Proposed plan for reorganizing Student Senate is refined.  Students participate in annual cross country race.  YMCA, YWCA, BLS, and UPS elect officers.  Chi Omega holds annual Founders' Day dance.  G. Hurst Paul, '21...

Dickinsonian Front Page

New plan for Student Senate is accepted by Student Assembly.  Dramatic Club prepares to produce "Sherwood" under the direction of Mildred Little from Irving College.  Phi Kappa Sigma holds annual spring dance.  Program for Commencement Week. ...

Dickinsonian Front Page

College to observe Nisbit Day.  Theta Chi holds large dance.  Sophomores interfere little with freshman party at Metzger.  Cast of Dramatic Club's production of "Sherwood".  Gettysburg defeats debate team. 

Dickinsonian Front Page

College celebrates Founders' Day.  Dickinson finishes fourth in University of Pennsylvania Relay Races.  Sophomores win annual tug-of-war.  YWCA holds well-attended meeting on social interaction. 

Dickinsonian Front Page

Plans for a Women's Student Senate are initiated.  Interfraternity League forms to facilitate inter-fraternity athletics.  May Breakfast is planned.  Sophomore class elects officers with contention.  YWCA adopts new constitution. 

Dickinsonian Front Page

Elections for redesigned Senate are held.  Track team defeats Gettysburg.  Skitch-a-genee initiates new members.  Women's student government elects officers.  Baseball defeats Gettysburg.  Freshmen win inter-class track meet.  Rising seniors...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The 63-strong senior class graduates, with Mildred Conklin as its valedictorian. Conklin, Edna Moyer, Edith Hornbough, Martlia Morrette, Albert Greene, and Edgar Lawrence are tapped to join Phi Beta Kappa, the national honors fraternity. The...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Dickinson hires three new professors: Hazel J. Bullock (Romance Languages), Clarence J. Carver (Education and Bible), and (future Dean) Ernest A. Vuilleumier (Chemistry). Rev. Charles E. Ely '99 is hired as a pastor. Sigma Chi and Sigma Alpha...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The 19th amendment is passed and female students are encouraged to get involved in politics. Student Senate adds a no-hazing rule to the College Handbook. Conway Hall opens for student residence. The football team loses its season opener 6-0 to...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Belles Lettres, Union Philosophical Society, and the Glee Club all hold their first meetings. Statistics on the 1919-1920 academic year are released, with about 15% of enrolled students dropping out or withdrawing for various reasons. The current...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Two new organizations--one for those interested in ministry careers, and another for students of Greek--are proposed. The football team defeats Allegheny 7-0 in a packed away game.

Dickinsonian Front Page

The Greek Club officially forms as the Drama Club elects new officers. The football team loses to Ursinus 7-6.

Dickinsonian Front Page

A three-day dramatic festival officially gets underway, with pledge cards and ticket requests distributed to the student body. The football team, despite enormous support, loses to Gettysburg 7-0.

Dickinsonian Front Page

The 1920 Christmas Seal is released, with all proceeds from its sale going towards charities aiming to eradicate tuberculosis. The football team defeats Gettysburg 7-0.

Dickinsonian Front Page

A vote on the pertinence of the College honor system is proposed. Irishman Seumas McManus addresses the chapel, speaking on his experience as a student of a rural schoolhouse and eventually a large university. The football team ties Haverford 7-7...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The literary societies and Intercollegiate Debating Team hold tryouts. The football team ends its season with a 20-6 loss to Bucknell, after a 35-7 win over Delaware; the team's final record is 4-4-1. Fraternity rush begins.

Dickinsonian Front Page

Reverend Schaeffer of the Carlisle Second Presbyterian Church addresses the Y.M.C.A. Fraternity rush concludes.
