Dickinsonian Front Page

YMCA holds convention in Carlisle. President Robert L. Dashiell resigns and President James A. McCauley is inaugurated. The administration considers creating a reading room.

Dickinsonian Front Page

Dickinson students are accused of being behind an apparent haunting in Carlisle. Supreme Court of Pennsylvania denies college students the right to vote at school. J. W. Hendrix donates rocks to college museum.

Dickinsonian Front Page

Construction begins on a reading room in Old West. W. F. Spottswood, J. H. Black, and O. B. Super are elected editors of the Microcosm.

Dickinsonian Front Page

The fence in front of the campus is taken down.

Dickinsonian Front Page

An alum, Class of 1858, reflects on his years at Dickinson College. Debate over public and sectarian schools. President McCauley discusses the college's "inadequate endowment."

Dickinsonian Front Page

Belles Lettres Society Library is remodeled. President's chimney catches fire; no damage is done. Students attend an African American festival and incite violence.