Number of Pages
February 26, 1964

Josephine Meredith writes to Josephine Davis about a recent visit to Dickinson, her extended family, her life and activities in Iowa, and comments on health issues. Meredith, a member of the Class of 1901 and who later worked at Dickinson as Dean of Women and an English professor from 1919 to 1948, explains that she returned to Carlisle in 1963 for her "first visit in years." "I hardly knew either the town or the College" and, as Meredith notes, Dickinson "is really a very attractive campus now." Meredith also comments on the fate of Metzger College. "Poor old Metzger is no more," and as Meredith describes, "that whole corner is to be made into a filling station and motel site." Transcript included. 

Time Period
Gift of Mrs. Josephine R. Davis
Letter from Josephine Meredith to Josephine Davis