Number of Pages
October 4, 1814

William Wilkins writes William Tilghman and discusses the latest news about the War of 1812. While "no new of much importance" has been received, Wilkins mentions Native American "depredations" in Detroit and comments on British General Gordon Drummond's decision to end the siege of Fort Erie. "The Enemy...have been induced to this hasty retreat in consequence of [the] severe 'scratching' (to use a new military phrase)" after receiving news of the "very successful sortie made by General [Jacob] Brown," as Wilkins explains.

In addition, Wilkins also shares news about the possibility of ending the war with Great Britain. Albert Gallatin, one of the American diplomats in England, "writes that there is little or no prospect of peace," as Wilkins notes. Wilkins, a member of the Class of 1802, is an attorney in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Transcript included.

Time Period
Gift of Boyd Lee Spahr
Letter from William Wilkins to William Tilghman