1976 Parents' Day Concert

Sat., Oct. 9, 1976

The Music Department presented the 1976 Parents' Day Concert at 11:00am in Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium. The Collegium Musicum performed seven songs: Adler/Sentl's "Da Jakob nu das Kleid ansah", Johann Sebastian Bach's "Menuets I and II", Thomas Tallis' "O nata lux", Passereau's "Il est bel et bon", Jacques Arcadelt's "Laissez la verde couleur", and the anonymously-written songs "Ich hett mir ein Endlein furgenommen" and "Die Katzenpfote". The College-Community Orchestra performed Modest Mussorgsky's "Pictures from an Exhibition" and accompanied the College Choir in Giovanni Gabrieli's "Buccinate" and Ludwig van Beethoven's "Hallelujah Chorus" and "Choral Fantasy". 


1976 Parents' Day Concert Program